Episode 35

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As Sol attempted to eat the all natural and no taste breakfast cereal that was part of his hideous diet his grandmother was actually praising him to his surprise.

" I'm so proud of you, Solomon," Gertrude Klein said as she reached for another helping of the sausage patties she had made for herself and that lazy daughter in law of hers if she ever chose to rouse herself from the bed. She was getting rather tired of that woman. The only reason she allowed LuLu in her house was because of the boys. LuLu didn't have anywhere else to go and she was actually afraid that if the woman left she might decide to take Sol with her. That boy was not going to be negatively influenced by his mother's terrible ways. But she was going to have to change. Gertrude was tired of Lulu coming in all hours of the night looking like she had been mauled by a bear , tired of her sleeping hours in the daytime, tired of her eating all the food but never putting anything back in the refrigerator. She had heard that the restaurant Spencer's brother in law was running was going to open next month and had decided that Lulu needed to apply for a job there. Server or hostess or bartender. Or something. And once she did the woman was getting charged rent. Maybe even for food. "You got an A on that science test of yours. You didn't get A's at that other school. *

Sol looked up from the horrible food he was forcing himself to eat and said," Yeah. Luci is helping me with all that science stuff. And Mr. Peters' class is kinda interesting. More interesting than Ms. Perkins' English class. She makes me sleepy. "

Gertrude gave him a stern look. " Do not fall asleep in class, Solomon. That is rude. "

" I don't. I said it makes me sleepy. I force myself to stay awake. But who cares about boring plays and books written by old ancient dead White men ? She's having us read The Scarlet Letter now. Hideous. "He made a face and it wasn't about the cereal this time.

Gertrude laughed softly. " I always hated The Scarlet Letter. "


LuLu forced herself out of her single bed in her upstairs bedroom and yawned widely. As her bare feet with it's bright green painted toenails hit the oak wood floor her hand reached for the bottle of pills on her night stand. She tossed one of the happy pills in her mouth and swallowed it dry. Then lit up a joint.

Time to start the day. She needed energy to go apply for a job at that new restaurant opening up. Richard and Nigel's. Or whatever it was. The sooner she made a little money the sooner she could move out of this nursing home from hell.

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