Episode 28

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" Thank you for seeing us today, Mr. Hightower, sir ," Detective Nita Browne said politely as she shook hands with the big portly headmaster who looked pale faced and very uncomfortable to be in the company of two police detectives in his own office.

Detective Faith Lane nodded once at the man and accessed him not only as the principal of her niece's school but also her competition. This was Penelope's husband of many years. He looked nice enough but weak. He looked like the type to roll over and not fight back against anything or anyone. She actually felt sorry for him. To a point. She didn't really like weak people. She was attracted to the strong and winners. Gerald Hightower was anything but.

Gerald waved them both into the plush overstuffed chairs in front of his enormous desk and then took his own seat. He swallowed hard. " I don't know what I can possibly tell you all. I'm in shock right now. " He shook his head of greying blondish brown hair. " Absolutely shocked. We all are. None of us here can believe what happened. Young Sidnei is - was - a very good student. She attended the school since kindergarten. Her brother Benji is in the upper school division. He is sixteen. They're both good children. All my students are good. "

Nita smiled warmly at him. " I understand your shock, Mr. Hightower. It is a very tragic loss of life. I think any loss is tragic. We want to.... investigate fully to determine exactly where this child came across the drugs in question. "

" Yeah ," Faith interjected briskly. " Most likely the place was school. I doubt she came across any drug dealers in her nice mansion. This school is the key. "

Nita looked at her partner and lifted her eyebrows at her. " My partner is bold but speaks truth. It is more likely that the source of the drugs is right here in the school. We would like permission to talk to any of her friends. Staff as well. "

Gerald thinned his lips and sat back firmly in his chair. He steepled his fingers beneath his jowly chin. " There are no drugs at my school. This school has been in existence since 1856. We have educated presidents and senators. Doctors and lawyers. We have very educated diverse students. My students don't do drugs. And frankly are we even certain the child died of drugs. I don't want to violate any confidential information but I do know Sidnei was not completely healthy. She had a congenital heart disorder that was being treated. Is it not possible that that is what she .... died from? "

Faith exchanged glances with Nita. Then Nita said cautiously," That is a definite possibility but we won't know otherwise until the medical examiner performs the autopsy on Sidnei Chou. "

Gerald made a distasteful face at them especially when the word " autopsy" was mentioned. " I don't want to hear about such matters. I have a school to attend to. I have to talk to the school psychologist about an special assembly about this loss. Sidnei was very popular. I have to take care of my children. I wish you luck on your investigation. But if it is proven to be drug related which I very much doubt it still would not be my concern or the concern of anyone here at Barrington Academy. There is no drug usage at my school. " He stood up and looked at them more coldly than when they had first entered his office. " Now if you would please kindly leave my office and the school. I'll have the secretary escort you out. Good day to you both. "

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