Episode 14

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" Would you like  drinks  sirs? ," the perky flight attendant in the tight burgundy dress and efficient pinned up blonde bun said as she stood in the aisle smiling at Richard and his father Andrew.

Andrew looked over at his oldest child. Richard looked stressed and deeply worried. He really probably did need a stiff drink. Not that a recovering alcoholic should be recommending alcohol as a stress reliever, he told himself. Andrew smiled back at the young woman whose professional heart melted over the handsome older man with the greyish black hair and rugged lined face. He was old enough to be her father but there was something  very devastating about his smile, she thought. And his eyes were very kind. " I would like coffee please. Richard?"

Richard was currently deeply in thought. He was thinking about his husband and hoping that doctor was right. He was thinking about Rebecca and praying she was actually his. Nigel had promised to schedule the DNA test for Friday at the latest. And he was thinking of his second born. What kind of a father was he to not know how much pain the boy was in? Nigel already knew. If his son was capable of traveling he was bringing Lewis back to America and their home. Nigel agreed. " What? I... I don't want anything. Thank you. "

The flight attendant smiled even more gently at the younger man who looked like the older one. He appeared to be in crisis mode of some kind. Not that it was any of her business. She was paid very well by the Giadello family to do her job , mind her business and be discreet about anything she saw and heard onboard the airplane. All she knew from the pilot was that this was family connected to them.

Andrew leaned forward in his seat and asked," Is there food? I think my son should eat something. "

Richard shook his head, saying," Dad , I don't need to eat. "

Andrew gave him a stern look. " Don't talk back. You need to eat. Nigel said you didn't eat when you got home. Just tossed what you needed and could find in the moving mess in a bag. You need your strength up. And I promised Nigel I'd take care of you. "

Richard dragged his hands over his face. " I guess I could eat a little something. "

The woman said," We could prepare anything you both want. We have a fully equipped kitchenette. Maybe something light? BLTs ? A salad ? "

Richard shrugged. " BLTs would be fine. If you eat too , Dad. I promised Glory the same thing you did Nigel. "

Andrew laughed wryly. " BLTs and coffee it is."

As the attendant went off to prepare the food and drink order Andrew looked with great concern at his son. " Are you ok? "

" Not really. I feel like the worst father ever. " Then to change the subject he quickly asked," Whose plane is this, Dad ? "

Andrew paused. Glory was prickly about revealing her past connections. Like that her nephew by her younger sister was the president of the United States. And that her first husband was second in command to his own brother Carlos Giadello who ran the most powerful and feared crime family in America. Or at least on the East Coast. Franco Giadello had died of a heart attack but Glory was still quite dear to the in-laws. It had given him slight alarm when he had learned the truth but by that time he was already head over heels for her so he just found a way to cope. Luckily the family liked him as well, he laughed inwardly. " It belongs to her inlaws. They.... own a construction company in Connecticut. I figured it would get us there faster than commercial travel. "

Richard said in a distracted way ," Probably. My stepmother is an interesting woman. I like her though. She makes you happy. " His eyes went to his father. " I'm glad. You deserve it. I'm.... I'm sorry for how Mother treated you. For what Lorraine did to you all those years ago. I didn't know back then. Neither did Spencer. "

" I know that, son. You were a good son then. And you are now. And you are a good father. Rebecca adores you. "

Richard's voice cracked as he said," I don't know about that. I hated you for so long before I found out this truth. And my oldest son hates me. I may lose Rebecca. And Lewis may be.... I'm a newlywed. I should be blissfully happy. I am. I love Nigel. But part of me feels like I'm losing everything I hold dear in my life. "

Andrew reached out to grab hold of his son's hand and squeezed it tightly.

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