Episode 20

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Breaking News
NBC Washington

This is Denise Forbes live from outside the Evergreen Acres home of United States Secretary of State Avery Chou with an early breaking news story. We have reports that a servant at the home discovered the unconscious body of a young girl. We do not have yet confirmation on the identity of the girl or her relationship to the Chou family which includes the secretary of state , his wife Prince George's County Executive Kate Chou and their two children Benji and Sidnei Chou. As you can see it is immediate chaos right now in this normally quiet and upscale wealthy bedroom community in Prince George's County. There is a tremendous amount of police presence already on the scene. And we have seen Mayor Nancy Woo entering the home as well. We will keep on this story and update you as soon as we have more details.


Luci eyed Zora Mayfield who was in her seat in their homeroom and almost anxiously tapping on her cell phone. As was Zora's partner in crime Diamond. She glanced over at Sol and lifted her eyebrows at him , tilting her head at Zora and Diamond, questions in her eyes. He looked at the two girls and then back at Luci, shrugging his broad shoulders.

Their homeroom teacher Lyle Peters was in the middle of taking attendance and had gotten to Sidnei Chou's name. He called it out once and got no response. Probably because her regular assigned seat was empty which was strange. Sidnei was a straight A honor student who never missed a day of school. She was usually always near Diamond and Zora if not her crush and Zora's cousin Kyle Samson.

" Sidnei Chou ," Lyle repeated. " Has anyone seen Miss Chou today? "

Then there was a tap at the closed classroom door and it opened to reveal the school secretary who motioned at the teacher. With a furrowed brow Lyle went over to talk to the older woman who was frantically whispering in his ear. Luci watched curiously as he paled under his tan and his eyes widened. He looked almost afraid, she thought. Or at least really worried. She looked over at Sol who was also watching their homeroom teacher.

Then as the students began to get bored and whisper among themselves there was an announcement over the loudspeaker. The fat and always happy headmaster Gerald Hightower was speaking but for once he didn't sound cheerful or cheesy.

" Boys and girls, I have some very sad news to tell you all today," he said with an edge of sadness in his voice. " I have just been informed that we have a very tragic loss here at our little Barrington Academy family unit. I regard each of you as my children, my best and bright children, and it breaks my heart to have to tell you that young Sidnei Chou of our middle school division has been found dead of unknown causes at her home. "

As the headmaster continued to drone on several girls in the classroom began to cry and rush into each other's arms. Zora screamed madly and was soon joined by Diamond as they held onto each other for dear life. Even Luci felt tears filling her eyes and she looked at Sol. She began to shake as she remained at her desk. Sol stood up and came over to her. He pulled her into his arms for a solid hug and her arms clung to him as she began to cry.

Lyle whispered," Edna , what happened? "

Edna shook her head sadly. " Her father said it was drugs. It was drugs. Can you believe it?"

Lyle wanted to laugh in disbelief but it wouldn't be appropriate at that moment. " Drugs? Here ? One of our students ? Ridiculous. Barrington Academy students don't do drugs. "

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