Episode 17

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" Ok , " Sol laughed as he collapsed on the cluttered carpeted floor of his bedroom. He and Theodore Rochester had been practicing dancing moves for what seemed like forever. First it had been hard to stop himself from stumbling over his big ole feet but eventually he started to get the hang of it all. Thanks to the small slim young boy who had been so patient and understanding with him. Dancing with Theodore was actually kinda fun in a way, Sol admitted to himself as he looked over at his friend. " I think that's enough. For now. I bet Luci will be impressed enough at the dance to forget all about that rich boy with his pretty boy looks. "

Theodore blushed red in the face. He lowered his head and moved his feet in a nervous way. " Yeah. Luci will like it. I bet. " He bit his lip roughly. " Alan is kinda cute , isn't he? "

Sol wiggled his long broad nose. " I guess. I mean I don't be looking at other guys thinking they cute or nothing. I ain't gay like your uncles. " Then he flushed red in the face himself from sudden embarrassment. " Not that that's wrong or nothing ! I like Doc D and Doc Spencer. Ain't nothing wrong with being like that but I ain't. " He grinned slightly. " I'm more, you know, LuciSexual. "

Theodore looked slightly confused. " I don't think that is a real word. "

Sol rolled his eyes at him and playfully punched him in the arm. " It was a joke, Rochester. You gotta lighten up. "

Theodore tried to smile but he failed. " I don't think I know how to..... lighten up. Can you teach me? How to be...... normal? So people like me? And don't call me names all the time? And throw me in the pool anymore? "

Sol looked at the boy who looked miserable. " My MeeMaw says normal don't exist. She says normal is what you make it. Who cares what those rich jerks think about you anyway? I like you. Luci likes you. I mean she didn't first but she does now. Even ole pretty boy Alan likes you. We're your friends, Theodore. And we got your back. "

Theodore looked away from Sol's green eyes. Now he was the one who felt embarrassed. " I don't know how to be a friend. "

Sol laughed but not unkindly. " Yeah. Me either. I just be myself and hope I don't screw up too bad. But I mean it. We got your back. If anyone tries to hurt you once at the school just give a holla out and I'll come running. Nobody messes with my friends. "

Theodore looked at him with wide eyes of surprise and awe. " Really ? You would fight for me? "

Sol said," Sure why not? Ain't that what friends for? "

Before Theodore could answer suddenly a voice interrupted them by saying sharply," Jesus, Sol , what the hell you doing with a damn boy in your room! I know you hanging around with a mixed up in the head sissy boy but you ain't gonna be funny around here in your grandma's house! "

Sol wished the floor would open up and swallow him whole as he turned around and saw his damn  mother standing there in a too tight too small black leather minidress and stiletto heels, a nasty sneer etched on her heavily made up face.

" Ma ," he whimpered as he closed his eyes fast. Damn. What was Theodore thinking of this? Of her ? What would Luci think? " Go away. "

LuLu laughed harshly. " Shut up, boy. Only one need to go away is this weirdo kid here. Bow tie boy , head on out to your own house next door. What fly over there don't over here, ok ? "

ODDS OF LOVE : SEASON EIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now