Episode 37

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Zora : I really hope you keep your mouth shut about what happened to Sidnei, bestie.

Diamond: I will but I'm so sad. I liked Sidnei.

Zora : Oh grow up, Diamond. I liked her too but my daddy always says life goes on. She was sick anyway. I heard my parents talking about it. She had some weird heart thing. Her parents never told her because they didn't want her scared or something dumb. So really it was the heart thingy that killed her not Kyle's coke. Besides nobody forced her to do it. I mean we all had some. We lived.

Diamond: I guess. I don't think we should prank Luci at the dance on Friday night. What if it happens again?

Zora : Don't be a chicken ass. Luci Moore doesn't have a heart problem. Just an attitude problem and she needs taken down a little bit. Her and her freaks. Besides Kyle has just what we need. He says Bullet only gives us good stuff anyway. It better be good. My allowance is almost gone smh. I have to get a cash advance off my credit card.

Diamond: Mr. Hightower is having an assembly today. About Sidnei. And the police keep calling my house.

Zora : Your parents will handle the police. They work for us anyway. Just play it smart. I know it's hard lol. Cry a few tears and act devastated. It's easy. Think about the cat you lost last year.

Diamond: You mean the one you fed dark chocolate to ?

Zora : Rofl. That was funny. And it was only an experiment. Just like the ones nerdy Mr. Peters has us doing in science class. Think about Fluffy and cry buckets.

Diamond: Fifi

Zora : Whatever. Just act right and keep your mouth shut.


Luci: So my uncles won't let us go to the dance together. They say I can't date till I'm 16. They're so old.

Alan : That sucks but we can still dance together there. I like dancing. Do you?

Luci: Yeah I do.

Alan : Well save the first for me. And the second. And the third. Ok ?

Luci: Ok.

Luci lowered her phone down to her desk and glanced over at Sol who was looking at her and pretending not to be. She wished he had asked her. But Alan was still nice. She wondered if Alan was a good dancer.


Gerald Hightower: Dr. Lane, I just saw the application you submitted for our staff doctor position on Indeed. Your resume and education is very impressive. And I like that you have a child at the school. That I believe inspires proper loyalty to the school as a whole. I want this position filled soon and I don't see any reason to dither about with other candidates when someone such as yourself is interested. I would like to offer it to you. Will you accept? If so I will send  employment details and such to your email.

DuBuis: I am interested. I would be pleased to accept the job. Also would I have input in the school nurse position as well? If so one of my hospital coworkers just applied for it. He's an excellent nurse and hardworking. His name is Austin Anderson.

Gerald: I shall definitely look at Mr. Anderson's application and resume. If you vouch for him then I will definitely consider him as a strong candidate.


Lyle Peters : I'm too grumpy for an early morning assembly. I think it's because I keep thinking about poor Sidnei Chou. She was too young to pass away like that.

Angel: People die all the time. But kids are the hardest deaths. So I understand. I'll send you dick pics to cheer you up lol.

Lyle: Oh wow. That would be interesting. I think. I've never gotten a dick pic before. I haven't had that many boyfriends though. I didn't come out until I was thirty five though.

Lyle: Would I need to return the favor for the pic ? Because I am at work currently. Lol.

Angel: Rofl no. You can wait until our second date.

Lyle: But we haven't had our first yet.

Angel: That could be fixed. I'm out the hospital now. Dinner tonight at my cousin Joe's restaurant Cafe J. It's vegan but good. I'm not a vegan myself but he gives me a family discount. Around seven?

Lyle: Oh. I would like that. Not really vegan but I am adventurous about food.

Angel: What else are you adventurous about, my cutie pie teacher?

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