Episode 44

8 1 0

Wednesday September 18, 2024

Melinda Velez crunched loudly on a piece of burnt toast and stared over at her wife Faith Lane as the woman was reading the Washington Post coverage of the Sidnei Chou overdose with a sour face.

" What exactly have you Narcs found on Bullet's PG operation ? ," Faith demanded briskly as she finally tossed down the newspaper and picked up her cup of coffee. The coffee that she had laced liberally with whatever was in that little silver flask of hers when she thought Melinda was not looking.  Melinda didn't care if she drank or not. She didn't believe that Faith had a problem but she disapproved of her hiding the drinking. Hiding it just seemed so sleazy to her really. 

Melinda snorted and was now crunching on a slice of bacon that had a bit of play in the middle of it. " We have shit. That's what we have. Your cousin is a slippery motherfucking snake. Just like his father Panther Lane and his Uncle Edward. We'll never catch him. I've made peace with him. Personally I think they should just legalize all the drugs like they did pot. Put me out of work but I could always move to , say , homicide. Or go work for them New York boys at Gaines Investigations. "

Faith sneered at her. " So just give up ? Fuck you. I'm not giving up shit. I don't care if people do drugs. Whatever gets them through the day. But I care when the dirty shit hits my patch. Bullet killed Booger Ward. Or had him killed. And he is responsible for those damn overdoses. He might as well have killed that little girl. Sidnei Chou looked like an angel. "

Melinda sat back in her chair and shrugged. " Even angels have broken wings. So. You still seeing that bougie teacher ? Her cousin ? "

Faith smiled coldly. " Open marriage. Remember ? "

" I never agreed to that. And you know it. "

" You never disagreed to it either , Mel. And yes I am. Are you dating anyone else ? "

Melinda narrowed her eyes at her. " I don't want to date anyone else. "

" Your choice. "

Melinda laughed , saying , " Quickie before work ? " 

" Sure. Why not ? " Then Faith drained the remaining dregs of her gin laden coffee. 


" Made an appointment for you , Luci , with that doctor with the hormones , " DuBuis said as he sat at the kitchen breakfast table with his family that morning. " Next Monday afternoon. "

Spencer nodded briskly as he read a new book Rearing Transgender Children In A Non Trans World  from Libby on his phone. " Yes. He seems very reasonable and good at his profession. We will pick you up after lunch at the school. It's at one thirty. " 

Luci yelped with much excitement as she leapt up from her chair and did a light little dance around the kitchen , startling the three cats Algebra Minus and Plus as she sang out , " I'm going to get breasts , big beautiful breasts ! "

The uncles looked at her silently and then at each other. Then they burst out laughing while shaking their heads. 

Theodore looked confused at his uncles laughing and his cousin's behavior. Why would anyone want breasts ? , he mused to himself. " Does this mean I get to leave school early too ? "

Spencer lifted an eyebrow at his sister's son. " Are you transgender too ? Do you also require hormone treatments ? "

Theodore looked surprised as he exclaimed , " No. I'm ..... I'm just gay. "

Spencer smiled at him. " Then that should answer your query. The answer is also no. "


" I am finally going to the firm today , " Richard declared firmly as he sliced carefully a bagel and spread cream cheese on it. " I'll get a chance to check on ...... that matter with Arnett as well. " He looked at his daughter who was busy texting her bestie while also trying to ignore her brother who was engrossed in his handheld video game device as usual. Then he glanced at his husband who looked tired this morning. Of course , he thought as he smiled , they had enjoyed a rather passionate night that had lasted a while. He rubbed at the collar of his white dress shirt and hoped the hickie was hidden well enough. Like the vivid red scratches on his back.  His gorgeous bossy bottom had gotten a bit too enthusiastic last night.  Not , he smiled to himself , that he was complaining. " Nigel , you are alright about finalizing the arrangements for Lewis to attend Barrington ? I know you are busy with the restaurant. "

Nigel smiled faintly and shifted his taut little ass in the chair which made Richard's smile grow even more. " It's fine. I just have a couple interviews today. Servers. I'll get our Lewis settled in good. Trust me. "

" I always trust you , darling , " Richard said lovingly as he leaned over in his chair to plant a passionate kiss on his man's vividly smiling lips. 

The children stared at their father and stepfather and then both bellowed out , " GROSS ! "

Richard and Nigel ignored them and kept kissing. 


" I have an interview with the guy opening that new restaurant , " LuLu said as she lit a cigarette and leaned back in her chair in the Klein kitchen. " I hear he pays damn good. "

Gertrude narrowed her eyes at her daughter in law and the mother of her two grandchildren. " Good. Now can we discuss the joint I found in the bathroom? "

LuLu froze in mid puff. Shit. She was wondering where that had went to. She lied , " Must be Sol's. "

Sol had been holding his nose and eating his smelly veggie pancakes that his grandmother actually considered a " special treat " for him since he was doing so good on his diet and at school. " It is not ! I don't do drugs ! Drugs are for losers ! "

LuLu shot her younger son an ugly look. 

Gertrude smiled over her cup of tea. " Solomon is correct. Drugs are for losers. And it is not allowed in my home. " Her eyes were chilly as they regarded LuLu. " If it happens again neither will you be allowed in my house. "

LuLu sighed. " Ok. Ok. Bunch of bitching over nothing. " Then she reluctantly asked , " What you do with the joint , Gert ? "

Gertrude said sternly , " None of your business. "

Then she smiled slightly. And LuLu looked at her with hard suspicion. 

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