Episode 15

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" My first marriage was to Beverly Barnes,"Richard said as they settled down to eat the BLTs and drink the coffee.

Andrew nodded and remained silent. He felt like his son needed to talk more at the moment than be talked to. And he wanted, no, needed to know more about his oldest son's life.  More than his youngest child he felt like he barely knew Richard. But he wanted to.

" Beverly was basically manufactured by Mother," he continued on. " Her father was vice president of Van Burden Fine Chocolate. You know. The family company. The one she wanted me to run one day but I chose law. She never forgave me for that one. Beverly was my way of getting back into her good graces. It didn't last. We had Niles. The name was Beverly's idea. I wish now I had called him Andrew. "

Andrew froze as he lifted the cup to his mouth.

" We lasted three years. I found her in bed with one of her college professors. Brit Lit I believe. She is a judge now. She married another executive at the company. Mother never forgave me for the divorce. My second marriage was to Tania. I married her because she was fun. She made me laugh. Until the day I caught her in the threesome in our apartment. She's married to a computer programmer. He's a good man but one who gets lost in his own head and designs at times. He makes video games. She calls herself a " social influencer". Has a podcast where she talks about crystals and ghosts and things like that. Like I said she was fun. It was Beverly's idea to send Niles to boarding school at nine. Tania wanted Lewis to go there because she said the spirits told her it would be beneficial if he was close to his brother. I was an useless father and said yes , whatever, just tell me what it costs. I paid the tuition. That's what I do. I write checks. "

Andrew crossed one of his long legs over the other and furrowed his brow at him but stayed quiet and listened.

" Sarah was another one approved by Mother. Her father was CFO at the company. She didn't want Rebecca at boarding school and I was happy. I liked having one of my children home at least. I knew she cheated on me but I never suspected....... about Rebecca. "

Andrew chose to interject with," She is your daughter. She looks like my mother. Your grandmother.  And she has your stubborn side. I can tell. Son , I don't think you are a bad father. Anymore than I was. If anything you're better. " He stopped speaking and stared at his son for a very long time. " I should have fought harder.  Appealed. Done something. But I chose to..... well we know what I chose to do. What I'm saying is fathers make mistakes with our children. But sometimes we can fix those mistakes. I want to with you all. Even your sister one day. "

Richard smiled faintly. " Tania calls me Richard The Fixer. Or something ridiculous like that. I don't have the slightest idea how to fix my relationship with my children though. Especially Niles. "

ODDS OF LOVE : SEASON EIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now