Episode 43

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Faith looked through the Sidnei Chou case file with bleary red rimmed brown eyes as she sat at her cluttered desk in the homicide unit. She was searching for answers. Any answers. But only finding more questions. And evasions; from her cousin, from the parents of the friends , from the school.

Nita Browne sighed and stood up from her own desk. She stretched her aching body and yawned. Picking up her beige blazer that was slung on the back of her chair, she said," Go home, Lane. Or wherever you go. This can keep until tomorrow. We'll start again tomorrow with fresh eyes. "

Faith shook her head and thought about the flask in her purse. The liquor that was calling her name. She thought about Melinda's texts about coming home. She thought about Penelope's texts about dinner tomorrow night. She thought about calling Andrew but that quickly floated out of her mind. " You go ahead. I'm going to work a little longer. "

Nita looked hard at the woman. She opened her mouth and then closed it. " Yeah. Well. See you later. "


" The kids are asleep," DuBuis said from the doorway of their bedroom as his husband reclined in bed reading Animal Farm on his phone's Apple books app. " Or least they're in their rooms quiet. "

Spencer smiled softly. " That is always a good thing. "

DuBuis smiled back at him. " Care for a massage, Genius? "

Spencer's smile grew. " God , yes , sweetie. "


Glory was brushing out her hair as she sat at her antique vanity table in her and Andrew's new bedroom when the bedroom door opened. She smiled with bliss at the sight of her husband striding in with a delicious smelling bag of food and an armful of red long stemmed roses. She turned and said gently," How was your trip, dear ? "

Andrew laughed. " Outside of my son almost getting killed which I hope never happens again it wasn't bad. But I'm glad to be back home. With you. "

Glory's eyes twinkled as she replied," Ditto , baby. Ditto. "


" Daddy , Daddy ! ," Rebecca screamed wildly as she ran over to Richard who nearly dropped the bags he held. " I missed you! "

" I missed you too, Pumpkin," he whispered as he held her tightly.

Lewis stood behind his father in the downstairs hallway, looking a little uncomfortable and out of place as he shuffled his big feet.

Nigel came over to his stepson with a big welcoming smile on his scarred face and offered his hand to the boy. " Hello, Lewis. It's good to finally meet you. Call me Nigel. "

Lewis looked at his hand and then at his face. Then back at his waiting hand wordlessly. Finally he accepted it for a handshake. " Hey. What happened to your eye? "

Nigel laughed and pulled the boy to him for a hug. " It's a long story. "


( Texts )

Doris: Do not worry about poor Niles, Beverly. Reilly has taken care of the minor trouble in the UK. Niles should be home soon. The poor boy. Since my son is shirking his parental responsibilities I shall pay for his tuition at Barrington Academy. At least I know about family loyalty.

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