Episode 52

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( Texts )

Beverly: Richard, our son Niles is returning to the country tomorrow from England. That terrible charge you leveled against him has been dropped. I can't believe how petty you are. Niles told me he was just worried about you because of your heart attack and was just fluffing your pilow. Your father overreacted. I didn't know you had reconnected with Andrew Norland anyway. Doesn't matter. He will be at Barrington Academy. I suppose you want to maintain weekend visitation with him ?

Richard: I do not wish to see that boy. Ever. He attempted to murder me. My father saved my life. I don't want him close to my husband or my other two children.  I will continue to pay child support until he is eighteen but I do not want to see him.

Beverly: How petty you are. By the way how is the fight over Rebecca? I think Winston Arnett will make the perfect daddy. At least he will remember he has a child.


Washington DC

Matilda Swan smiled as she read a most interesting article in the Washington Post Style section. A very informative article about a new restaurant that was opening soon in Bethesda. Something called Richard and Nigel's. She didn't really care about the restaurant though. Food was food to her. She basically lived on coffee and energy drinks and Boba tea anyway. Best way to maintain her girlish figure.


It was the picture of one of the two married owners that intrigued her. The one called Nigel Norland.

That eye that seemed to twinkle from the print newspaper picture. She would recognize that eye anywhere. After all a mum should recognize her own son , should she not? , she laughed as she lit up a cigarette and blew her first smoke ring towards the ceiling of her Southwest apartment.

She never dreamed that the screaming brat , the foul mistake she had dropped on the streets twenty eight years ago, would fall into such a sweet life.

He looked like a bloody monster from a horror movie yes but he was attached to a rich man. A very rich man, her heart rejoiced as she googled the financial worth of Richard Norland.

" Nigel, Nigel," she sang out," get ready to meet your dear old Mum. "

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