**Chapter 15: The Eve of Marriage**

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With only two days remaining until the grand wedding, anticipation and excitement filled the air in Sultan Draupadi's palace. The courtyard bustled with servants preparing decorations, musicians practicing melodies, and guests arriving from distant lands. Amidst the flurry of activity, Sultan Draupadi, radiant in her royal attire, took a moment of quiet reflection in her chambers.

Outside her door, the Pandavas, dressed in their finest attire, gathered with a mixture of nervousness and joy. They exchanged glances filled with anticipation, eager to express their love and readiness to Sultan Draupadi.

Yudhisthira, the eldest and most composed, cleared his throat and called out, "Sultana Draupadi, may we have a moment of your time?"

Sultan Draupadi, her heart warmed by their presence yet amused by their formality, cut them off with a playful tone, "Call me Draupadi, my dear Pandavas. There's no need for formal titles now."

Bhima, ever straightforward and full of hearty laughter, chuckled and exclaimed, "Draupadi, then! Two days until we become husbands, can you believe it?"

Arjuna, his eyes filled with admiration and love, stepped forward and gently took Sultan Draupadi's hand. "Draupadi," he said softly, "these past days have been a whirlwind of emotions. I look forward to the moment when we can officially begin our life together."

Nakula and Sahadeva, always sensitive to the mood, approached with smiles on their faces. Nakula spoke with sincerity, "Draupadi, your presence brings light to our lives. We are grateful for your love and the bond we share."

Sahadeva, nodding in agreement, added, "Together, we will build a future filled with joy and unity."

Sultan Draupadi, touched by their words and the warmth of their affection, placed a hand on each Pandava's cheek. "My dear Pandavas," she began, her voice filled with love and determination, "I am honored to embark on this journey with you. Our union will not only strengthen our bond but also bring prosperity to our kingdoms."

As the sun set over the palace, casting a golden glow over their embrace, Sultan Draupadi and the Pandavas knew that the eve of their marriage marked the beginning of a new chapter-a chapter filled with love, trust, and the promise of a future united in purpose and devotion.

*To be continued...*

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