** Chapter 43: Wrath of sultana**

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The throne room of Yadav Palace was plunged into a tense silence as Sultan Draupadi stood before the court, her eyes ablaze with righteous fury. The news of a man who had misled and harmed a young girl in her kingdom had reached her ears, igniting a fire within her that burned with the intensity of holy wrath.

The accused man, trembling with fear, stood before Draupadi, unable to meet her gaze. She seized him by the collar with a strength that belied her stature, her grip like iron. "You dare to deceive and harm the innocent under my rule?" Her voice rang through the hall, commanding attention and striking fear into the hearts of all who heard it.

With each word, Draupadi's anger escalated. She raised her hand and delivered a resounding slap across the man's face, the sound echoing in the chamber. It was a slap that reverberated not just physically, but emotionally, leaving everyone present shaken to their core.

Unyielding in her fury, Draupadi continued to rain blows upon the man, each strike a testament to her resolve and unwavering commitment to justice. The maidens who attempted to intervene met the same fate, their attempts to calm her resulting in their own faces bearing the imprint of Draupadi's bangles and rings.

The Pandavas, standing nearby, exchanged uneasy glances as they witnessed Draupadi's relentless onslaught. Yudhisthira, known for his calm demeanor, whispered urgently to his brothers, "Her anger is consuming her. We must act before it goes too far."

Bhima, his voice filled with concern, nodded in agreement. "She is beyond reason in this state. We must find a way to calm her down."

Arjuna, always quick-witted, scanned the room for a solution. "We need to remove the man from her sight before she does something irreversible."

Nakula and Sahadeva, the twins, shared a worried look. "Her fury knows no bounds. We must tread carefully."

Meanwhile, the other kings in attendance watched in awe and fear, knowing better than to intervene when Draupadi was in such a state. Her reputation as a fierce and just ruler was unmatched, and witnessing her wrath firsthand was a sobering experience for them all.

Finally, sensing the danger of the situation, Bhima stepped forward cautiously. "Draupadi," he called out in a firm but soothing voice, "enough. He has felt your wrath. Let us handle this."

Draupadi, her chest heaving with exertion, slowly turned to face Bhima. Her eyes, still filled with fire, met his gaze. For a moment, the room held its breath, unsure of what would come next.

After what felt like an eternity, Draupadi's anger seemed to subside slightly. She released her grip on the man, who staggered back, breathing heavily and nursing his wounds. Without a word, Draupadi turned and walked back to her throne, her movements rigid with tension.

The court remained silent, the air thick with tension and relief. The Pandavas approached Draupadi cautiously, their expressions a mix of concern and relief. Yudhisthira placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Draupadi, you have shown your strength and determination, but we must temper justice with mercy."

Draupadi nodded slowly, her eyes still smoldering but more composed now. "I... I understand," she replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

As the court began to stir again, the other kings and attendees exchanged wary glances, silently acknowledging the power and ferocity of Sultan Draupadi's wrath. They knew that in her kingdom, justice was swift and uncompromising, but they also understood the responsibility that came with such power.

*To be continued...

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