**Chapter 86 Continued: Reunion and Relief**

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Pitmahar Bhisma, the venerable patriarch of Hastinapur, stormed through the corridors of Karagarhama with Draupadi by his side. His presence demanded respect, and the guards hesitated to impede him as he approached the cell where the Pandavas were unjustly held.

Inside, the Pandavas looked up in surprise and relief as their grandfather entered, his expression a mix of anger and concern. "Release them immediately," he commanded with authority that brooked no argument.

The guards, recognizing Bhisma's authority, swiftly obeyed, unlocking the cell doors. Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva emerged, their faces reflecting a mix of gratitude and exhaustion after their ordeal.

Draupadi wasted no time. As soon as the door swung open, she rushed into their arms, embracing each of her husbands tightly. Her heart raced with relief, feeling their strong and familiar presence against her.

The Pandavas, equally relieved to be reunited with Draupadi, whispered words of love and reassurance to her. They held her close, their hands gentle yet firm as they stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

"Draupadi, you kept us strong through this," Yudhisthira murmured, his voice filled with gratitude.

Bhima, his grip tight yet comforting, added, "We missed you, beloved."

Arjuna, his voice soft and soothing, whispered, "You are our strength, Draupadi. Together, we will overcome any challenge."

Nakula and Sahadeva, always attuned to her emotions, pressed kisses to her cheeks, their affectionate gestures offering solace and support.

Draupadi felt the tension slowly ebbing away, replaced by a profound sense of calm and reassurance in their love. She looked up at each of them, her eyes reflecting her deep affection and relief. "I knew you would come back to me," she said softly, her voice trembling with emotion.

Pitmahar Bhisma, observing the tender reunion, nodded with approval. "Together, you are stronger," he said with wisdom born of years of experience and leadership.

As they stood together, united once more, Draupadi and the Pandavas knew that their bond had been tested but not broken. In the face of adversity, their love and unity had prevailed, reaffirming their commitment to each other and to their shared destiny.

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