**Chapter 86: The Trial of the Pandavas**

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In Hastinapur, tension hung heavy in the air as the Pandavas found themselves confined within the walls of Karagarhama, the palace's formidable jail. The dimly lit room cast shadows across their faces as they sat in quiet contemplation, their minds racing with thoughts of their predicament.

Draupadi stood outside their room, tears glistening in her eyes as she looked upon the place where her beloved husbands were unjustly imprisoned. "You all shouldn't ask for forgiveness," she whispered to herself, her voice trembling with emotion. "You've done nothing wrong."

Yudhisthira, ever composed even in adversity, spoke first, addressing his brothers with resolve. "We will not beg for forgiveness. Let us face this trial with dignity."

Arjuna, his concern evident as he gazed at Draupadi, gently urged her, "Draupadi, it is not safe for you here. Return to Yadav where you will be protected."

Draupadi, sensing the turmoil in the hearts of her other husbands, met their eyes and shook her head softly. She knew they needed her support now more than ever. Stepping forward, she approached each of them in turn, her touch tender yet filled with determination. She kissed their lips, leaving a mark of affection, and pressed a gentle hickey on each of their collarbones. A slight smile played on their lips, a silent reassurance of their bond and love.

Meanwhile, inside the confines of Karagarhama, the Pandavas gathered in a hushed circle, their voices low yet filled with unwavering determination.

Bhima, his voice edged with frustration, growled, "This injustice will not stand. We must find a way to prove our innocence."

Arjuna, ever the strategist, nodded in agreement. "There must be someone in Hastinapur who can testify to the truth of our actions."

Nakula, his usually calm demeanor tinged with concern, added, "We cannot let Draupadi bear this burden alone. She needs our strength."

Sahadeva, the perceptive one, spoke softly, "We must remain united. Together, we will overcome this trial."

Yudhisthira, their leader and pillar of wisdom, raised his voice with conviction, "Let our actions speak louder than words. Our honor and integrity will prevail."

As they contemplated their next steps, the Pandavas drew strength from their bond with Draupadi, knowing that her unwavering love and support would guide them through the darkest of times.

Back in Yadav, Draupadi stood outside the palace gates, her heart heavy with worry yet filled with determination. She knew that their journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but together, they would face them head-on.


I hope you enjoyed this continuation!

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