**Chapter 111: A Playful Prank**

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It was a rare moment of levity in the kingdom of Yadav. Sultan Draupadi, now in her elder years yet still vibrant and full of spirit, decided it was time to lighten the mood among her beloved Pandavas. They had been through countless trials and tribulations over the years, and Draupadi cherished every opportunity to bring joy to their lives.

On a warm afternoon in the palace gardens, Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva sat together, discussing matters of state and reminiscing about their past victories and challenges. Draupadi watched them from a distance, her mind plotting a playful surprise.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Draupadi motioned for her attendants to bring buckets filled with water. Sneaking up behind Yudhishthira, she signaled Nakula and Sahadeva to join her. Quietly, they poured the buckets of cool water over Yudhishthira's head.

Yudhishthira jumped up in surprise, sputtering as the cold water ran down his face and soaked his clothes. Bhima and Arjuna burst into laughter, thoroughly amused by the unexpected prank. Nakula and Sahadeva tried to suppress their giggles as Yudhishthira looked around, trying to figure out who was responsible.

Draupadi couldn't contain her laughter any longer. She stepped forward, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh dear Yudhishthira," she teased, "it seems you needed a refreshing wake-up!"

Yudhishthira wiped the water from his face and chuckled along with the rest. "Well played, Draupadi," he admitted, shaking his head. "I should have known better than to let my guard down around you."

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, they spent the rest of the evening reminiscing about their adventures, the victories they celebrated, and the challenges they had overcome together. Despite the passage of time and the weight of responsibilities, moments like these reminded them of the enduring bonds of love and camaraderie that held their family together.

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