**Chapter 102: Reflections on Love**

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In the quiet moments after their playful water prank, the Pandavas found themselves reminiscing about their marriages. They sat together in the serene gardens of Yadav, each lost in their thoughts.

Yudhisthira, gazing at the horizon, spoke first. "You know, our marriages have been quite different."

Bheema, leaning back against a tree, nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed. Draupadi was different. Ours was a love that sparked amidst fire and fate."

Arjuna, always contemplative, added, "Subhadra and I were bound by duty, yet over time, our bond grew deep."

Nakula and Sahadeva exchanged a glance, both reflecting on their own arranged marriages. "Valandra and Devika came into our lives through family ties, but they have become integral parts of our hearts."

Yudhisthira sighed, "Draupadi, though. She is our heart. From the swayamvara to the trials of exile, she has been our pillar of strength."

Bheema's eyes softened. "Remember how fiercely we fought for her honor, how we stood united against all odds?"

Arjuna nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. "Subhadra brought a calm to my soul. Her presence is a balm to my restless spirit."

Nakula chimed in, "Valandra's laughter echoes in our halls, bringing light where there was darkness."

Sahadeva completed the thought, "And Devika's wisdom guides us, reminding us of the ties that bind kingdoms and hearts."

They fell silent, each lost in their memories and the unique bonds they shared with their wives. Despite the differences in how their marriages began, one truth remained constant—they loved Draupadi above all. Her love had been a choice, a fiery passion that ignited their souls and bound them together through every triumph and tribulation.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Yadav, the Pandavas sat together, grateful for the love that defined their lives and the unity that strengthened their kingdom. In their hearts, they knew that regardless of how their marriages had started, it was the depth of their love and commitment that truly mattered.

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