**Chapter 79: A Kiss for Each**

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The atmosphere in the room had shifted from tension to a serene calm. Draupadi, feeling the warmth and support of her husbands, decided to show her gratitude and affection in a tender way.

She stood up, looking at each of the Pandavas with a loving gaze. Starting with Yudhisthira, she leaned in and kissed him gently on the cheek. "For your wisdom and guidance," she whispered.

Moving to Bhima, she placed a soft kiss on his cheek as well. "For your strength and loyalty," she said, her voice filled with warmth.

Arjuna was next, and as Draupadi kissed his cheek, she smiled. "For your bravery and skill," she murmured.

Nakula, ever the charming one, received his kiss with a playful grin. "For your grace and beauty," Draupadi told him, her eyes twinkling with affection.

Finally, she reached Sahadeva, and as she kissed his cheek, she said, "For your insight and compassion."

The Pandavas stood there, touched by her gesture, their hearts swelling with love and respect for Draupadi. Her kisses were a reminder of the deep bond they shared and the love that held them together.

Yudhisthira, feeling the need to reciprocate, took Draupadi's hand. "Your love strengthens us, Draupadi. We are grateful for you every day."

Bhima, with his usual directness, added, "Your kisses are as powerful as your slaps, dear Draupadi."

The room erupted in laughter, the lightness of the moment a balm for their earlier troubles. They all knew that no matter what challenges they faced, their love and unity would see them through.

Draupadi, her heart full, looked at her husbands with a contented smile. "Together, we can overcome anything," she said softly.

The Pandavas nodded in agreement, their spirits lifted. As they embraced, the warmth of their love and the strength of their bond wrapped around them, ready to face whatever the future might hold.

* To be continued...*

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