**Chapter 113: The Divine Game**

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In the realm where gods and goddesses walked among mortals, Draupadi, now elevated to the status of a supreme goddess, reveled in her newfound powers. She had ascended beyond the mortal coil, transcending into a being of immense grace and authority.

The Pandavas, revered as supreme gods in their own right, watched over kingdoms and galaxies alike, their wisdom and valor echoing through the celestial spheres. Yet, they yearned for the playful moments they once shared with Draupadi in their mortal lives.

One day, amidst the cosmic dance of stars and galaxies, Draupadi decided to play a game with the Pandavas. With a flick of her celestial fingers, she vanished into the ether, leaving behind a trail of laughter that echoed through the heavens.

Yudhishthira, the eldest and wisest among the gods, smiled knowingly. "She always loved a good game of hide and seek."

Bhima, with his thunderous laughter that shook the heavens, boomed, "Let's find her and bring back those cherished moments!"

Arjuna, ever the skilled archer, scanned the vast expanse of the cosmos with his divine vision. "She could be anywhere. Let's search every corner of creation."

Nakula and Sahadeva, twins of unmatched grace and intellect, spread their celestial wings and whispered in unison, "She hides not just from our sight, but within the fabric of existence itself."

And so, the divine game began. Across galaxies and dimensions, the Pandavas searched, their hearts filled with both joy and longing. Draupadi, in her ethereal form, giggled as she watched her beloved husbands navigate the cosmic labyrinth she had woven.

In the quiet corners of galaxies, beneath the shimmering waters of celestial oceans, and within the hearts of mortal beings touched by their legends, Draupadi left clues in the form of stardust and whispers. Each clue led the Pandavas closer to her, igniting memories of their mortal lives filled with love, valor, and sacrifice.

As the game unfolded across eternity, Draupadi reveled in the bond that bound her to the Pandavas—a bond forged not just in mortal lifetimes but in the infinite tapestry of existence itself. And in the heart of the game, amidst laughter and cosmic wonder, they rediscovered the timeless truth that love transcends all realms, mortal or divine.

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