** chapter 112 continued**

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As they ascended deeper into the Himalayas, Nakula and Sahadeva exchanged glances, observing Sultan Draupadi's serene yet melancholic expression. The mountain winds whispered ancient tales around them, carrying with them a sense of introspection and quietude.

Sahadeva, always attuned to the subtleties of emotions, gently nudged Nakula and murmured, "She carries the weight of our journey in her heart, yet she smiles."

Nakula nodded, his gaze never leaving Draupadi, who walked ahead with a grace that defied her years. "She's our strength, Sahadeva. Even in sadness, she finds reasons to smile. It's her way of guiding us, reminding us of hope."

They continued their trek in silence, each step a testament to their endurance and unity. Draupadi, sensing their concern, turned to them with a soft smile. "My dear Nakula, Sahadeva, worry not. This journey is a test of our spirits, but together, we will overcome."

Sahadeva nodded, his expression reflecting determination. "We are with you, always."

Nakula added, "Just as you have always been with us, guiding and nurturing."

With renewed resolve, they pressed on, their hearts intertwined with the timeless bond they shared—a bond forged in love, tested by fate, and strengthened by the challenges they faced together in the majestic embrace of the Himalayas.

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