**Chapter 82: Sharing Laughter and Affection**

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In the quiet of their chambers, Draupadi found herself engrossed in a romantic love story, its pages filled with tales of passion and devotion. As she read, a soft smile tugged at her lips, lost in the emotions and beauty of the narrative.

The Pandavas, noticing Draupadi's smile and absorbed in her reading, exchanged glances among themselves. Their hearts swelled with a mixture of affection and a hint of jealousy, seeing her captivated by a fictional tale of love.

Bhima, unable to contain his frustration in a playful manner, muttered to his brothers, "She's smiling like that because of a book? We should have such power over her heart."

Arjuna, his competitive spirit flickering with amusement, added, "Perhaps we should write our own epic tales to capture her attention."

Nakula, ever diplomatic, tried to hide his smile behind his hand. "She deserves to smile like that more often. Even if it's at a book."

Sahadeva, with a quiet chuckle, nodded in agreement. "She finds joy in simple pleasures. We should appreciate that."

Draupadi, sensing their playful envy, looked up from her book and caught their frustrated expressions. She couldn't help but laugh at their theatrics, her laughter echoing through the room.

"You jealous fools," she teased affectionately, setting aside her book. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she stood and approached them one by one.

Starting with Yudhisthira, she leaned in and kissed his lips tenderly, her touch filled with love and reassurance. Yudhisthira's initial surprise melted into a smile as he returned her affection.

Moving to Bhima, she teased, "Oh, Bhima, I didn't know you were so sensitive," before kissing him as well. His gruff demeanor softened, and he pulled her into a brief embrace.

Arjuna received his kiss with a playful challenge in his eyes, "Next time, we'll write stories that will make you smile even more," he promised, before returning her kiss with equal ardor.

Nakula, the ever-charming one, chuckled softly as Draupadi approached him, "You deserve every smile, my lady," he said softly before their lips met.

Lastly, Sahadeva, the thoughtful one, received her kiss with a quiet smile. "Your happiness is our joy," he murmured, his eyes meeting hers with warmth.

As Draupadi stepped back, she looked at her husbands with love and amusement. "You are my greatest story," she said softly, her voice filled with affection.

The Pandavas, their hearts lighter and their spirits lifted by her words and gestures, gathered around Draupadi, embracing her in a circle of love and unity. In that moment, their bond was reaffirmed, strengthened by laughter, affection, and the simple joy of being together.

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