**CHAPTER: 112 the journey of Himalayas**

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The air in the Himalayas was crisp and filled with a sense of serene tranquility as Sultan Draupadi accompanied her beloved Pandavas on their journey. At the age of 98, Draupadi radiated wisdom and grace, her presence a calming influence on her husbands who were embarking on this spiritual quest.

Yudhishthira, the eldest among them at 96, was the first to feel the toll of the mountain climb. As he wiped a tear from Draupadi's cheek, she smiled slightly and nodded in understanding, reassuring him with a gentle touch.

Bhima and Arjuna, at 95 and 94 respectively, were next to struggle with the altitude and rugged terrain. They kissed Draupadi's forehead, conveying their love and gratitude for her unwavering support throughout their lives. Draupadi acknowledged their affection with another gentle smile and a nod.

Finally, Nakula and Sahadeva, aged 93, found themselves nearing their physical limits. Draupadi, ever the pillar of strength, caught them as they stumbled, offering both a teasing remark and a supportive hand to help them continue their ascent.

Together, they forged onward, the bond between them strengthened by years of shared joys and sorrows, victories and challenges. In the silence of the mountains, their unspoken understanding and love for each other spoke louder than any words could convey.

As they climbed higher into the Himalayan peaks, Draupadi's heart swelled with pride, knowing that despite their age and the hardships they faced, their spirits remained as resilient as ever.

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