**Chapter 85: The Wrath of Draupadi**

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In the heart of the Yadav Kingdom, tensions ran high as Sultan Draupadi, known for her fierce protection of her people, confronted the soldiers who had failed in their duty to safeguard the kingdom.

Her voice echoed through the courtyard, filled with righteous anger and disappointment. "You can't protect the Kingdom! For what are you all working? Whom do I speak to? I am talking to dead bodies!" Her words cut through the air like a whip, demanding accountability from those entrusted with the kingdom's defense.

The soldiers stood before her, their heads bowed in shame and fear, unable to meet her gaze. Draupadi's wrath knew no bounds as she continued to berate them, her frustration boiling over. "This is what you call protecting the Kingdom and its people? Traitors will walk in and do their work under your watch! You will sleep on duty! Answer me! With whom am I speaking? Dead bodies?" With each accusation, her hand struck out, delivering stinging slaps to emphasize her points.

Her earrings danced with each movement, reflecting the fire in her eyes and the intensity of her emotions. The Pandavas, witnessing Draupadi's outburst from a distance, felt a shiver run down their spines. Fear gripped their hearts as they exchanged worried glances, knowing better than to intervene in her wrathful state.

Yudhisthira, the eldest and most composed, whispered to his brothers, "We must trust in her judgment. She acts out of love for our people and the kingdom."

Bhima, his fists clenched in frustration at the soldiers' negligence, nodded grimly. "She has every right to be angry. Our people rely on us, and on her, to keep them safe."

Arjuna, his expression troubled yet understanding, added, "Draupadi's strength lies in her passion. It's what makes her a formidable leader."

Nakula, ever calm in the face of adversity, murmured, "Let us support her silently. She needs to know we stand with her, even in her anger."

Sahadeva, the thoughtful strategist, agreed quietly, "Her wrath is justified. We must ensure this mistake is not repeated."

As Draupadi's tirade continued, the soldiers began to acknowledge their failings, their heads bowed lower in shame. Her words struck a chord, igniting a renewed sense of duty and determination among them.

Finally, Draupadi's anger began to ebb, her breaths coming heavy with emotion. She turned away from the soldiers, her back rigid with tension. The courtyard fell into an uneasy silence, the weight of her words hanging in the air.

The Pandavas approached her cautiously, their respect for her unwavering despite the fear her anger had instilled in them moments before. Yudhisthira spoke first, his voice gentle yet firm, "Draupadi, your passion for our people is unmatched. We stand with you."

Draupadi turned to them, her eyes softening at their support. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with both exhaustion and gratitude. "Forgive me for my outburst. The safety of our kingdom weighs heavily on my heart."

Arjuna stepped forward and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We understand, Draupadi. Your strength is our strength."

With a collective nod, the Pandavas and Draupadi stood united, their bond strengthened by the trials they faced together. In the face of adversity, their resolve to protect their kingdom and their people remained unbreakable.


I hope you enjoyed this fanfiction continuation!

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