**Chapter 91: Jealousy and Reconciliation**

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In the opulent chambers of Yadav, the Pandavas found themselves grappling with an unfamiliar and uncomfortable emotion—jealousy. Their beloved Draupadi, the sultana of their hearts and the kingdom, was engaging in a conversation that left them unsettled. The source of their discomfort was a visiting nobleman from a neighboring kingdom, who had managed to capture Draupadi's attention.

The nobleman, tall and charismatic, had complimented Draupadi on her beauty, causing a slight blush to creep up her cheeks. "You are very beautiful, attractive for the world," he had said, his eyes filled with admiration.

Draupadi, ever gracious, had smiled and replied, "Thank you." When the nobleman presented her with a finely crafted ring, she accepted it with a smile, further stoking the flames of jealousy in the Pandavas' hearts.

From their vantage point, the Pandavas exchanged whispered words, their eyes never leaving Draupadi and the nobleman. "Who is this man?" Bhima muttered, his fists clenching.

"He's too familiar," Arjuna added, his eyes narrowing.

As the nobleman leaned in to hug Draupadi, the Pandavas' hearts collectively tightened. Draupadi returned the embrace, her face serene and composed. The nobleman departed, leaving Draupadi standing alone, finally noticing the tension in the room.

Turning towards her husbands, Draupadi immediately sensed their unease. "What is wrong?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Before they could respond, Draupadi moved towards them, her eyes filled with understanding. She began with Yudhisthira, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "I love you," she whispered, ruffling his hair affectionately. Next was Bhima, who she kissed with the same tender intensity, feeling the tension leave his body.

Arjuna was next, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss that conveyed all the unspoken words between them. Draupadi then turned to Nakula and Sahadeva, kissing each of them deeply, her fingers threading through their hair.

The room was filled with an electric energy as Draupadi's kisses grew more intense, her lips meeting each of the Pandavas' with an equal measure of impatience and love. Their initial jealousy melted away, replaced by a fierce desire to show her just how much they cherished her.

Draupadi, sensing their need for reassurance, kissed them back with the same fervor. The room became a whirlwind of emotion, their lips and hands expressing what words could not. The Pandavas' whispered concerns were drowned out by the intensity of their shared passion, each kiss solidifying the bond they shared with Draupadi.

In the aftermath, as they all caught their breath, Draupadi looked into their eyes, one by one. "I love you all equally and deeply," she said, her voice steady and filled with conviction. "No one could ever take your place in my heart."

The Pandavas, their hearts now brimming with love and contentment, nodded in unison. They knew that Draupadi's heart was vast enough to encompass all their love, and their bond was unbreakable.

Outside, the world continued its rhythm, but within the chamber, the Pandavas and Draupadi found solace in each other's presence, their love reaffirmed and stronger than ever.

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