** chapters 64 : returns with attitude**

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After four months of careful planning and covert operations, the day had finally arrived. Sultana Draupadi returned to Yadava, and Sultana Holofira made her way back to her own kingdom. The news of their return spread like wildfire, sending shockwaves through their enemies and filling the hearts of their allies with joy.

As Draupadi entered the palace gates of Yadava, she carried herself with a fierce and unyielding attitude. Her eyes blazed with determination, a testament to the trials she had faced and overcome. Holofira, too, exuded an aura of strength and resilience as she took her place in her kingdom.

Enemies who had celebrated their supposed demise now stood in stunned silence, their triumphs turned to dust. The neighboring kingdoms, who had mourned the loss of their esteemed allies, rejoiced at the news of their return. There was a renewed sense of hope and unity as the leaders who had been thought lost were now back to lead their people.

In the grand hall of Yadava's palace, Draupadi stood tall, her presence commanding respect and admiration. The Pandavas, her husbands, watched her with a mixture of awe and relief. Their whispers were filled with admiration and pride, marveling at the strength and courage their wife had shown.

Yudhishthira, always the pillar of wisdom, spoke softly to his brothers, "Draupadi's return is a testament to her indomitable spirit. We must support her in every way we can."

Bheema, his heart swelling with pride, nodded in agreement, "She has proven herself time and again. We will stand by her side, no matter the challenges."

Arjuna, ever the warrior, added, "Her fierce attitude is what makes her a true leader. Let our enemies tremble, for Draupadi has returned."

Nakula and Sahadeva exchanged knowing glances, their respect for Draupadi growing even deeper. "We must prepare for what lies ahead," Nakula whispered. "Draupadi's return marks a new chapter for Yadava."

As Draupadi ascended the throne, her fierce gaze swept across the room. The strength of her spirit was palpable, a beacon of hope and resilience for all who beheld her. With Holofira by her side, both sultanas were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united by their shared experiences and unwavering determination.

The kingdom of Yadava was alive with renewed energy and purpose. The return of their beloved Sultana Draupadi signaled a new era, one where justice and strength would prevail. As the Pandavas whispered among themselves, they knew that with Draupadi leading them, there was no challenge they could not overcome.

In that moment, as the hall resounded with cheers and praise, Draupadi knew that she was not alone. Her family, her kingdom, and her allies stood with her, ready to face the future together, stronger than ever before.

* To be continued… *

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