**Chapter 77: The Wrath of Sultana Draupadi**

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In the heart of Yadav, the royal palace buzzed with tension. Draupadi, the fierce and resolute Sultana, was renowned for her wisdom and grace, but today, a storm brewed within her. The Pandavas, her beloved husbands, stood nearby, unaware of the confrontation about to unfold.

Bhima, in a rare moment of frustration, raised his voice at Yudhisthira and Nakula, his words sharp and angry. Before he could unleash his full fury, Draupadi intervened, her eyes blazing with righteous anger. Without hesitation, she slapped Bhima across the face, the sound echoing through the hall.

"How dare you shout at your brothers!" Draupadi's voice was thunderous, cutting through the silence that followed. Bhima, taken aback, opened his mouth to retaliate, but Draupadi's fierce glare silenced him instantly.

As her rage peaked, she slapped Bhima again, and the force of her blow caused the gems in her rings to scatter across the floor. In her irritation, she discarded the ring entirely, the broken pieces of her bangles clattering to the ground.

At that moment, Sultana Hatun of Mongolia, who had been observing the scene, made a disparaging remark. "Such weakness in having five husbands, Sultana Draupadi. Masallah."

Draupadi's fury shifted, her gaze locking onto the Mongol Sultana with deadly precision. "Do not speak ill of my husbands, you traitor," she hissed, her voice low and menacing.

With lightning speed, Draupadi drew her knife and pressed it against the Mongol Sultana's neck. The room held its breath as the tension escalated.

The Mongol Sultana's eyes widened in fear, but before she could react, Draupadi slapped her again, using the hard edge of her wrist. The force of the blow sent the Mongol Sultana crashing to the ground, right at the feet of the Pandavas.

Without mercy, Draupadi grabbed the woman's face and delivered another series of slaps, each one drawing blood and leaving a lasting mark. "This is what happens when you disrespect my family," Draupadi declared, her voice icy and resolute.

The Mongol Sultana, now beaten and humiliated, lay crumpled at the Pandavas' feet, her face bloodied and broken. Draupadi, her anger still smoldering, turned on her heel and stormed off to her room.

As she departed, the Pandavas exchanged whispers, their eyes filled with a mixture of awe and concern. "Our Draupadi is a force of nature," Arjuna murmured, his voice tinged with admiration.

"Indeed," Yudhisthira replied, his tone contemplative. "Her strength and loyalty are unmatched."

Bhima, rubbing his still-stinging cheek, nodded in agreement. "We must never forget the fire that burns within her."

Nakula and Sahadeva shared a knowing look, their respect for Draupadi deepened by her fierce defense of their honor. United in their admiration, the Pandavas vowed to stand by their wife, supporting her in all her endeavors.

* To be continued...*

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