**Chapter 37: The Bond of Love**

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Four months into her pregnancy, Sultan Draupadi glowed with a radiance that only heightened her beauty and grace. The palace buzzed with preparations for the upcoming celebrations, and her husbands doted on her, ensuring her every need was met.

One quiet afternoon, Draupadi sat in the royal garden, her head resting gently on Nakula's shoulder. The peaceful atmosphere was filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the soft murmur of the nearby fountain. Nakula, ever the gentle and caring husband, held her close, his hand lightly caressing her back in soothing circles.

"Rest, my love," Nakula whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "You and our child need all the peace you can get."

Draupadi sighed contentedly, her eyes closing as she leaned into Nakula's comforting embrace. "With you by my side, I feel at peace," she murmured.

The serene moment was soon interrupted by the sound of laughter. Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, and Sahadeva approached, their eyes twinkling with mischief. They had been watching the tender scene from a distance and could not resist the urge to tease their beloved wife and their gentle brother.

"Look at Nakula, already the doting father," Bhima teased, a broad grin spreading across his face. "He won't let Draupadi out of his sight for even a moment."

Arjuna chuckled, adding, "Nakula, if you keep this up, our child will think you're the only parent!"

Sahadeva, always quick with a clever remark, chimed in, "Perhaps we should all take lessons from Nakula on how to be the perfect husband."

Yudhisthira, the ever-wise eldest brother, joined in with a warm smile. "It's heartening to see how much love you both share. Our child will be blessed to have such a nurturing environment."

Draupadi opened her eyes, a playful glint shining within them. She looked up at Nakula and then at her other husbands, her smile widening. "Don't tease Nakula too much," she said with a laugh. "He has been my rock these past months."

Nakula blushed slightly but couldn't help the proud smile that crossed his face. "I am only doing what any of us would do," he said modestly. "We are all here for you, Draupadi."

Bhima clapped Nakula on the back, his laughter booming. "You are too humble, brother. But your devotion does inspire us."

Arjuna leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Draupadi's forehead. "We all love you deeply, Draupadi. We are in this together, and we will ensure that you and our child have everything you need."

Draupadi looked around at her husbands, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. "I am the luckiest woman in the world to have all of you by my side," she said softly. "Our child will grow up surrounded by the strongest bonds of love and support."

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the garden, the Pandavas continued to share stories, laughter, and dreams for their future. In that moment, Draupadi knew that no matter what challenges they might face, their love and unity would see them through.

*To be continued...*

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