**Chapter 84: The Depths of Love**

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In the practice room, the sounds of training echoed as the Pandavas honed their skills under Draupadi's watchful eye. The atmosphere was intense, filled with the determination and focus of seasoned warriors.

During a particularly swift maneuver, Yudhisthira miscalculated and received a cut on his arm. Though it was just a superficial wound, Draupadi’s heart clenched at the sight of her husband in pain.

"Yudhisthira!" she exclaimed, rushing to his side. "I said sit," she commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument.

Yudhisthira, recognizing the worry in her eyes, obediently sat down. As Draupadi began to treat his wound, tears welled up in her eyes, and she couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. Her hands trembled slightly as she cleaned the cut and applied a bandage.

Seeing her distress, the other Pandavas gathered around, their concern evident. Bhima knelt beside her, his large hand resting gently on her shoulder. "Why are you crying, dear?" he asked softly, his voice full of worry.

Draupadi looked up at them, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I know it’s just a small cut," she began, her voice trembling, "but seeing any of you hurt, even in the slightest, it breaks my heart. You are all my life, my world. The thought of losing any of you, or seeing you in pain, is unbearable."

Arjuna, his own heart aching at her words, took her hands in his. "Draupadi, your love and care are our greatest strength. We promise to be more careful, not just for ourselves but for you as well."

Nakula, with a soft smile, added, "Your tears show how much you care. But remember, we are warriors. We will face many battles, and your strength gives us the courage to keep fighting."

Sahadeva, always the quiet observer, spoke gently, "We draw strength from your love, Draupadi. We will strive to protect each other and you, always."

Yudhisthira, touched by her deep concern, cupped her face in his hands. "Draupadi, your love is what binds us together. It makes us stronger, more resilient. We will always be careful, for your sake and for each other."

Draupadi, comforted by their words, wiped away her tears and managed a small smile. "Thank you," she whispered. "I love you all so much."

The Pandavas, their hearts filled with love and resolve, embraced Draupadi in a circle of protection and unity. In that moment, they reaffirmed their commitment to each other, knowing that their strength lay not only in their skills as warriors but also in the unbreakable bond they shared.

As they returned to their practice, the atmosphere was lighter, filled with renewed determination and the warmth of their collective love. Draupadi’s tears had reminded them of the preciousness of their bond, and they vowed to cherish and protect it always.


I hope you enjoyed this continuation!

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