**Chapter 32: The Slap**

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The training grounds were bustling with activity as soldiers and warriors practiced their drills under the watchful eyes of Sultan Draupadi and the Pandavas. Among the trainees was Shishupala, a young and ambitious warrior known for his arrogance and lack of discipline. Despite numerous warnings, he often skipped his practice sessions and disregarded instructions.

Draupadi, ever vigilant, noticed Shishupala's lax attitude. Today, as she observed him, her patience wore thin. He was not only disrespecting the training but also setting a bad example for the other warriors.

"Shishupala," Draupadi called out, her voice firm and commanding. The young warrior turned, a smirk playing on his lips. He had always underestimated Draupadi, viewing her strictness as unnecessary.

"Yes, Sultana?" he replied, his tone laced with insolence.

"Step forward," she ordered, her eyes narrowing. The training ground fell silent as everyone turned to watch the unfolding scene. The Pandavas, standing nearby, sensed the tension and exchanged concerned glances.

Shishupala sauntered forward, his demeanor casual and dismissive. Draupadi's gaze hardened. "You have been neglecting your practice," she stated. "This behavior is unacceptable."

Shishupala shrugged, his arrogance evident. "I don’t need constant practice. I am already skilled enough."

Draupadi's eyes blazed with anger. Without warning, she stepped forward and delivered a sharp slap across Shishupala's face. The sound echoed across the training grounds, and Shishupala staggered back, shock and humiliation flashing across his features.

"Discipline and respect are the foundations of a true warrior," Draupadi declared, her voice cold and unwavering. "Your arrogance is a disgrace. You will adhere to the training schedule, or you will face the consequences."

The Pandavas, witnessing the scene, whispered among themselves, their voices a mix of shock and admiration.

"She does not tolerate insubordination," Yudhisthira murmured, his respect for Draupadi deepening. "Her firmness is necessary to maintain order and discipline."

Bhima, always quick to acknowledge strength, nodded. "Her actions are just. Shishupala needed to be put in his place."

Arjuna, his eyes reflecting both admiration and concern, added, "Draupadi's resolve is unwavering. She demands the best from those who serve her."

Nakula and Sahadeva, their voices filled with respect, whispered, "She is a true leader. Her strength and discipline inspire us all."

Shishupala, nursing his stinging cheek, looked at Draupadi with a mix of fear and respect. He realized that he had underestimated her and that her authority was not to be challenged.

"I understand, Sultana," he said, his voice subdued. "I will not neglect my practice again."

Draupadi nodded, her expression softening slightly. "See that you don’t. A warrior who does not train is a danger to himself and his comrades."

As the training resumed, the Pandavas continued to whisper among themselves, their voices filled with admiration for Draupadi's leadership.

"She commands respect with her actions," Yudhisthira said quietly. "Her strength and discipline will ensure our kingdoms remain strong."

Bhima, his admiration evident, added, "Draupadi's firmness is what makes her a great leader. We are fortunate to have her as our queen."

Arjuna, reflecting on the day's events, said, "Her actions today have taught us all a valuable lesson in leadership and discipline."

Nakula and Sahadeva, their hearts filled with pride, voiced their agreement. "We will follow her example and strive to be the leaders she expects us to be."

Draupadi, hearing the whispered admiration of her husbands, felt a deep sense of satisfaction. She had not only maintained discipline but also reinforced the bond of respect and unity among them. As she stood with her husbands, she knew that together, they could face any challenge and emerge victorious.

*To be continued...*

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