**Chapter 114: Teasing in Heaven**

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In the divine realms of heaven, where Draupadi and the Pandavas resided as supreme beings, tranquility and joy filled their days. The celestial gardens bloomed with flowers of unimaginable beauty, and rivers of pure nectar flowed gently, creating an atmosphere of eternal bliss.

One serene morning, Draupadi, with her mischievous spirit, decided to play a little prank on her beloved husbands. She knew that despite their divine status, the Pandavas still cherished the playful banter and lighthearted moments they shared.

Draupadi hid herself behind a cluster of golden lotus flowers, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She watched as Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva approached, their radiant forms glowing with divine light.

"Where has Draupadi gone?" Yudhishthira asked, his voice echoing with concern and curiosity.

"I saw her here just a moment ago," Bhima replied, scratching his head.

Arjuna, ever perceptive, narrowed his eyes. "I have a feeling she’s up to something."

Nakula and Sahadeva exchanged knowing glances, both suspecting that their wife was indeed planning a prank. They spread out to search for her, calling her name softly.

Suddenly, Draupadi sprang from her hiding place, startling all five of them. She laughed heartily at their surprised expressions, her laughter like the sweetest melody.

"You should have seen your faces!" Draupadi teased, her eyes dancing with mirth. "You are gods now, yet you still fall for my tricks!"

The Pandavas chuckled, relieved to see her happy and playful. "You never change, Draupadi," Yudhishthira said, shaking his head with a smile. "No matter how many lifetimes we live, your spirit remains the same."

"That’s why we love her," Bhima added, his deep voice filled with affection.

Draupadi walked up to them, placing a gentle kiss on each of their cheeks. "And I love you all," she said. "But sometimes, I just can't resist teasing you."

Arjuna, always the strategist, smirked. "Next time, we'll be ready for you."

"Oh, will you?" Draupadi raised an eyebrow, her tone challenging. "We shall see about that."

The group sat down on the soft grass, surrounded by the splendor of heaven. They reminisced about their past adventures, both mortal and divine, sharing stories and laughter. Draupadi’s teasing brought them closer, reminding them that even in the afterlife, their bond remained unbreakable.

As they basked in each other's company, Draupadi felt a deep sense of contentment. No matter the challenges they faced or the lifetimes they lived, she knew that the love and camaraderie she shared with the Pandavas would endure forever.

And so, in the eternal paradise of heaven, Draupadi and the Pandavas continued to cherish each moment, their playful banter and unwavering love illuminating their divine existence.

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