**Chapter 105: Unwavering Support**

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The palace of Yadav thrummed with a blend of excitement and quiet diligence as Yudhisthira, Bheema, and Arjuna dedicated themselves to caring for their pregnant wives—Devika, Valandra, and Subhadra. The trio’s focus on their expectant partners was both touching and meticulous, as they sought to provide comfort and ensure the well-being of their growing families.

Yudhisthira was the epitome of calm and wisdom, always by Devika's side, sharing gentle conversations and soothing her with his serene presence. His thoughtful gestures, from reading to her favorite verses to holding her hand during moments of uncertainty, created an environment of peace and reassurance.

Bheema, despite his formidable strength, displayed a tender side as he cared for Valandra. His dedication was evident in the nourishing meals he prepared with love and care, ensuring she was well-fed and healthy. His hearty laughter filled the halls, a constant reminder of his protective and loving nature.

Arjuna, with his innate sense of balance and focus, guided Subhadra through meditation and relaxation techniques. His support was steadfast, his presence a comforting anchor as they prepared for the arrival of their child. Together, they found solace in each other’s company, strengthening their bond with each passing day.

Meanwhile, Nakula and Sahadeva were inseparable from their beloved wife, Draupadi. Their devotion knew no bounds, as they attended to her every need and ensured she was never alone. Draupadi, in turn, felt cherished and supported, her heart swelling with love for her husbands.

The palace buzzed with activity and anticipation. Draupadi, ever the nurturing figure, found joy in the preparations, often lending her support to her co-wives and husbands. She admired how Yudhisthira, Bheema, and Arjuna had seamlessly adapted to their roles as expectant fathers, their dedication to Devika, Valandra, and Subhadra a testament to their love and commitment.

In moments of quiet, Nakula and Sahadeva would steal glances at Draupadi, their hearts brimming with affection. They whispered sweet nothings, reminiscing about their journey together and looking forward to the future. Their unwavering presence was a source of strength for Draupadi, as they navigated the complexities of their shared lives.

As the days turned into weeks, the bonds between them all grew stronger. The palace was a haven of love, support, and unity, each member playing their part in the harmonious tapestry of their family. Draupadi's radiant smile and comforting presence were the glue that held them together, ensuring that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in love and purpose.

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