**Chapter 87: Jealousy in Yadav**

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Five years had passed since the trials and triumphs that had strengthened the bond between Draupadi and the Pandavas. In the quiet sanctity of their chamber in Yadav, a subtle tension hung in the air as Draupadi decided to playfully tease her husbands, testing the depth of their affections.

Draupadi, usually affectionate and attentive, had been deliberately distant and absorbed in her own thoughts. She moved around the room, attending to small tasks but avoiding direct eye contact or conversation with the Pandavas.

Yudhisthira, sensing her change in demeanor, exchanged knowing glances with his brothers. Bhima's brow furrowed slightly, while Arjuna's gaze held a mix of concern and curiosity. Nakula and Sahadeva exchanged quiet whispers, trying to decipher Draupadi's intentions.

As minutes ticked by in strained silence, the atmosphere grew tense with unspoken questions and emotions. Yudhisthira, unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, finally spoke up, his voice tinged with concern and a hint of jealousy, "Draupadi, is something troubling you?"

Draupadi, pretending not to hear him, continued to busy herself with arranging scrolls on a shelf. Bhima, his patience wearing thin, stepped closer to her, his voice more insistent, "Draupadi, why are you ignoring us? Have we done something wrong?"

Arjuna, usually calm and composed, couldn't hide the flicker of unease in his eyes. "Draupadi, please talk to us. We are here for you."

Nakula and Sahadeva, always attuned to her emotions, exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to break the tension.

Draupadi, unable to keep up the charade any longer, turned to face them, her eyes dancing with mischief and a hint of satisfaction. "Oh, did you notice?" she teased, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "I thought you might need a reminder of how much you mean to me."

The Pandavas, caught off guard by her playful strategy, exchanged relieved yet slightly exasperated glances. Bhima chuckled, shaking his head. "You certainly know how to keep us on our toes, Draupadi."

Yudhisthira, his jealousy giving way to amusement, pulled her into a warm embrace. "We could never doubt your love for us, Draupadi," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Arjuna, smiling now, kissed her cheek affectionately. "You had us worried for a moment there."

Nakula and Sahadeva joined in, enveloping her in a group hug. "You are our heart, Draupadi," they whispered in unison, their love and devotion evident in their voices.

As they stood together, the tension dissolved, replaced by laughter and affection. Draupadi's playful antics had reaffirmed the strength of their bond, reminding them of the depth of their love and unity.

In the chambers of Yadav, surrounded by love and laughter, Draupadi and the Pandavas knew that no matter the challenges they faced, their bond would always endure, strong and unbreakable.

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