**Chapter 103: Unexpected News**

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In the peaceful halls of Yadav, a sense of excitement and surprise filled the air as unexpected news spread among the Pandavas and their queens. Devika, Valandra, and Subhadra—wives to Yudhisthira, Bheema, and Arjuna respectively—had all fainted in the span of a few hours.

Concerned murmurs echoed through the palace as the queens were attended to by the royal physicians. Draupadi, ever vigilant and caring, rushed to their side along with the other Pandavas. They anxiously waited for news about their beloved wives' conditions.

After what seemed like an eternity, the physician emerged with a smile on his face. "Congratulations, Your Majesties," he announced, "Devika, Valandra, and Subhadra are all three weeks pregnant."

The news hit the Pandavas like a thunderbolt. Yudhisthira, Bheema, and Arjuna stood in stunned silence, their faces alternating between disbelief and sheer joy. Draupadi, standing beside them, shared in their astonishment but couldn't hide her own happiness at the prospect of becoming an aunt to three new additions to their family.

Once the initial shock wore off, the Pandavas erupted in jubilation. They hugged each other tightly, their laughter and tears mingling in a symphony of overwhelming emotions. This unexpected blessing brought a renewed sense of unity and purpose to their household.

As the news spread throughout Yadav, the kingdom celebrated with feasts and festivities. Well-wishers flooded the palace with gifts and congratulations, honoring the impending arrivals of the royal heirs.

Amidst the revelry, Yudhisthira, Bheema, and Arjuna couldn't resist teasing each other about their impending fatherhood. Nakula and Sahadeva joined in the good-natured banter, ensuring that no Pandava was spared from playful ribbing.

Draupadi watched with affectionate amusement as her husbands exchanged jokes and shared in the joyous anticipation. She knew that their bonds as a family were only growing stronger with each passing moment, and she couldn't wait to see what the future held for their expanding kingdom and loving family.

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