**Chapter 83: Training Session**

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In the expansive practice room of the palace, Draupadi took on the role of instructor, guiding the Pandavas through their training regimen. The room echoed with the sound of swords clashing and footsteps as they practiced their martial skills under her watchful eye.

Yudhisthira, Bhima, and Arjuna were subjected to Draupadi's strict and demanding teaching style. With sharp words and firm slaps to correct their form and technique, she pushed them to their limits, expecting nothing less than perfection from her elder brothers.

"Yudhisthira, your stance is too weak! Focus!" Draupadi's voice rang out, her expression stern as she observed his movements.

"Bhima, control your strength! Precision is key," she admonished, her palm landing firmly on his shoulder to correct his posture.

"Arjuna, your footwork is sloppy! You must be agile and swift," she instructed, her eyes narrowing in concentration as she guided him through a series of maneuvers.

Meanwhile, Nakula and Sahadeva experienced a different approach from Draupadi. She was gentle and patient with them, guiding their hands through the motions and offering encouragement with a soft smile.

"Nakula, you have a natural grace. Let it flow through your movements," she advised, her voice calm and reassuring as she corrected his stance.

"Sahadeva, your attention to detail is commendable. Keep refining your technique," she praised, her touch light as she adjusted his grip on the practice sword.

As the training session continued, the Pandavas couldn't help but notice the stark difference in Draupadi's approach between the three elder brothers and the two younger ones. They exchanged puzzled glances and whispered among themselves, unsure of the reason behind this apparent disparity in treatment.

Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva gathered in a hushed circle during a brief break in their practice. Their confusion was evident as they discussed Draupadi's teaching methods.

"Why does she treat us so differently?" Arjuna wondered aloud, rubbing his shoulder where Draupadi's slap had landed earlier.

Nakula, thoughtful as always, chimed in, "Perhaps she sees different strengths and weaknesses in each of us."

Sahadeva nodded in agreement. "Her love for us is the same, but her methods vary to suit our individual needs."

Yudhisthira, the eldest and most contemplative, pondered quietly before speaking, "Draupadi's love is boundless. Whether strict or gentle, her intent is always to help us grow stronger."

Bhima, still processing Draupadi's stern corrections, grunted in acknowledgment. "She pushes us because she believes in our potential. We should trust her guidance."

As they resumed their training under Draupadi's watchful eye, the Pandavas carried these thoughts with them. They understood that Draupadi's love for each of them was deep and unwavering, expressed in ways that challenged and nurtured their individual strengths.

In the practice room, amidst the clang of swords and the echo of instructions, their bond with Draupadi grew stronger, forged in the crucible of discipline and affection.


I hope you enjoy this continuation!

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