**Chapter 98: Unexpected Ties**

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Yudhisthira had recently married Sultana Devika, not realizing she was Draupadi's cousin. The discovery had come as a surprise to everyone, especially to Devika herself.

Devika approached Draupadi with a look of apprehension. "Sorry, Drau," she said softly, her eyes filled with concern.

Draupadi smiled warmly, her demeanor calm and reassuring. "No need to apologize, cousin. We both are family now, and that's what matters."

The atmosphere in the palace was filled with a mix of surprise and curiosity. The four remaining Pandavas—Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva—stood at a distance, observing the interaction between Draupadi and Devika. They huddled together, whispering amongst themselves.

"This is quite unexpected," Bhima said, scratching his head. "Who would have thought Devika was Draupadi's cousin?"

Arjuna nodded thoughtfully. "It does make things interesting, doesn't it? But if Draupadi is fine with it, we should be too."

Nakula, always the voice of reason, added, "It's a bit surprising, but it doesn't change our love and respect for Draupadi."

Sahadeva, the youngest and most perceptive, smiled. "Family ties are strong. This could strengthen our bonds even further."

As they whispered, Draupadi and Devika continued to talk, their bond as cousins clear and unshakeable. Yudhisthira joined them, placing a comforting hand on both women's shoulders.

"We are all family now," Yudhisthira said, his voice steady. "Let's move forward with love and unity."

Draupadi nodded, her eyes filled with warmth as she looked at her husband and cousin. "Yes, we are family. And together, we can face anything."

The four Pandavas, witnessing this scene, felt a deep sense of admiration and love for Draupadi. They knew that her strength and compassion were what held their family together, and they were determined to support her and each other, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

As the day continued, the palace buzzed with a renewed sense of unity and purpose. The unexpected ties that had been revealed only served to strengthen the bond between them all, creating a family that was unbreakable and filled with love.

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