**Chapter 71: The Clean-Up Incident**

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In the grand chambers of Yadav, Sultana Draupadi paced with purpose. Her steps echoed off the marble floors, each one a testament to her regal demeanor. The room, however, told a different story. A cacophony of scattered clothes, disheveled bedsheets, and misplaced shoes marred the otherwise pristine ambiance.

"Enough is enough!" Draupadi's voice thundered through the chamber, her eyes flashing with irritation. She cast a critical gaze upon the chaos that had become their shared space. Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva looked up, realizing their neglect had earned them her wrath.

With swift, decisive movements, Draupadi began her cleanup crusade. She scooped up a pile of dirty clothes, flinging them towards the startled Pandavas, who scrambled to catch the flying garments. "Cleanliness is next to godliness," she chided, her tone sharp yet commanding.

Next came the shoes—five pairs, each landing unceremoniously in front of their respective owners with a resounding thud. The Pandavas winced as Draupadi's pointed heels made contact with the floor, punctuating her dissatisfaction.

Pandavas exchanged sheepish glances, realizing their negligence had pushed their beloved queen to the brink. Yet, amidst Draupadi's righteous anger, there was a hint of amusement in her eyes—a mix of exasperation and fondness for her incorrigible husbands.

As the room gradually regained its order, Draupadi's demeanor softened. She surveyed the now-tidy space with a nod of approval. "There," she said with a slight smile, "that's much better."

The Pandavas, still reeling from the unexpected storm of cleaning supplies, exchanged grateful glances. They knew better than to let such lapses occur again. Draupadi's fierce love, as daunting as it could be, was a testament to her devotion to them and their shared kingdom.

"And now," Draupadi continued, her voice gentler, "let us sit together and discuss the matters of the realm."

The Pandavas, humbled and grateful, gathered around their queen, ready to heed her every word and cherish her every moment, knowing that Draupadi's love was as boundless as her strength.

* To be continued…*

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