**Chapter 34: The Court's Judgment**

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The royal court of Yadav was filled with tension as Sultan Draupadi stood before everyone, her expression grave and determined. Her parents, King Drupad and Queen Shikandi, stood before her, their faces etched with concern. The courtiers, sensing the gravity of the situation, whispered among themselves, unsure of what was about to unfold.

"Sultan Draupadi," King Drupad began, his voice steady but tinged with apprehension, "we await your judgment."

Draupadi's eyes flickered with emotion, but her resolve remained firm. She had witnessed an act of unfairness that could not be ignored, even if it involved her own parents. Her earrings, a sign of her authority and strength, gently brushed against her cheeks as she took a deep breath to steady herself.

"You have been found guilty of unfairness," Draupadi declared, her voice carrying through the hushed court. "For this transgression, you will undergo a punishment that befits the severity of your actions."

The court fell silent, every eye fixed on Draupadi and her parents. The Pandavas, standing nearby, exchanged whispers among themselves, their voices barely audible in the tense atmosphere.

"She's sentencing her own parents," Yudhisthira murmured, his voice filled with disbelief. "This is unprecedented."

Bhima, his brows furrowed in concern, nodded solemnly. "Draupadi's sense of justice is unwavering. She upholds the law without favoritism."

Arjuna, always mindful of honor, added, "It must have been a difficult decision for her. She holds herself to the same standards as she does others."

Nakula and Sahadeva, their expressions thoughtful, whispered, "She is a true leader. She does what is right, regardless of personal feelings."

Draupadi turned to her parents, her gaze steady but compassionate. "For your unfairness, you will undergo eight years of forest exile," she pronounced. "This is the judgment of the court."

King Drupad and Queen Shikandi exchanged pained glances, their hearts heavy with the weight of their daughter's judgment. They had raised Draupadi to be just and fair, and now they faced the consequences of their actions.

As Draupadi turned to leave the court, her parents approached her, their eyes brimming with tears. "Draupadi," Queen Shikandi choked out, reaching for her daughter's hand. "We—"

Draupadi gently pulled away, her expression unchanged. "The court's judgment stands," she said firmly, her voice unwavering. "I must uphold justice."

Krishna and Balaram, standing nearby, watched the scene unfold with a mix of pride and sorrow. They understood Draupadi's commitment to justice and the sacrifices it sometimes demanded.

"She did what was necessary," Krishna whispered to Balaram, his voice heavy with emotion. "Her strength and integrity are unmatched."

Balaram nodded silently, his eyes following Draupadi as she left the court. "She carries the burden of leadership with grace," he murmured. "May we all learn from her example."

As the court dispersed, the Pandavas remained, their thoughts lingering on Draupadi's unwavering commitment to justice and the difficult path she had chosen. They knew that under her leadership, Yadav would continue to thrive, guided by principles of fairness and integrity.

*To be continued...*

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