**Chapter 40: Justice and Exile**

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The royal court of Yadav was filled with a tense silence as Sultan Draupadi ascended her throne. Her regal presence commanded respect and awe. Beside her stood her husbands, the Pandavas, each ruling the kingdoms Draupadi had bestowed upon them: Yudhisthira over Mayaprastham, Bhima over Vayuprastham, Arjuna over Indraprastha, Nakula over Panchalam, and Sahadeva over Ayodhya.

Today, however, the court was not gathered for a celebration. Instead, a serious matter of justice was at hand. Draupadi's elder brothers, Krishna and Balaram, had been accused of injustice against the people. As the room filled with murmurs, Draupadi raised her hand, silencing the crowd with a mere gesture.

"Krishna, Balaram," Draupadi began, her voice firm and resolute. "You stand accused of treating our people unjustly. Such actions cannot be tolerated, regardless of who commits them."

Krishna, ever the statesman, stepped forward to defend himself. "Sister, surely there is some misunderstanding. Our intentions have always been to serve and protect our people."

Balaram, equally composed, added, "We have always acted in the best interest of our kingdom. Please allow us to explain."

Draupadi's eyes, usually filled with warmth for her brothers, were now hard and unforgiving. "There will be no explanations. Justice must be served, and no one is above the law, not even my own family."

With a swift and unexpected movement, Draupadi slapped both Krishna and Balaram. The sound echoed through the court, leaving everyone in shock. Even the Pandavas, who had seen Draupadi's fierce side before, were taken aback by the intensity of the moment.

"Your punishment is exile for one year," Draupadi declared, her voice unwavering. "You will leave the kingdom immediately and reflect on your actions. Remember, this is not a personal vendetta but a necessary act of justice for the people you have wronged."

The court remained silent as Krishna and Balaram, humbled and chastened, accepted their punishment. As they were escorted out, Draupadi's expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained firm.

Pandavas, standing by her side, whispered among themselves, unable to hide their concern and admiration for their wife's strength and unwavering sense of justice.

"She's incredible," Bhima murmured, his eyes wide with respect. "To stand against her own brothers for the sake of justice."

"Her dedication to the people is unparalleled," Arjuna added. "We must support her in every way possible."

"She sets an example for all of us," Nakula said softly. "We are fortunate to have her as our wife and queen."

Sahadeva nodded in agreement. "We must ensure that her rule is upheld and that we continue to serve the people with the same integrity."

Yudhisthira, ever the wise leader, spoke last. "Draupadi's strength lies not only in her actions but in her unwavering commitment to justice. We must follow her example and ensure that our kingdoms are governed with fairness and compassion."

Draupadi, hearing their whispers, turned to her husbands with a small smile. "Thank you for your support, my loves. Together, we will ensure that our kingdoms are ruled justly and that our people are always treated with the respect they deserve."

As the court dispersed, the Pandavas stood united beside Draupadi, their hearts filled with pride and admiration for their fierce and just queen. They knew that, with her at their side, their kingdoms would thrive under the principles of justice, strength, and unwavering dedication to their people.

*To be continued...*

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