**Chapter 100: The New Alliances**

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In the grand halls of Yadav, the marriages of Bheem to Valandra and Arjuna to Subhadra, both cousins of Draupadi and Devika, sparked a new era of mischief and unity among the women.

Valandra, now Bheem's wife, and Subhadra, now Arjuna's wife, exchanged mischievous glances with Draupadi and Devika. They knew they had the power of unity and mischief on their side.

"We are a team in irritating our husbands," Valandra declared with a mischievous grin, echoed by Subhadra and the others.

The Pandavas, overhearing their wives' declaration, exchanged bewildered looks among themselves.

"Why did we marry again?" Bheem whispered to Arjuna. "Having one wife, Draupadi, was manageable. Now with four wives in the family..."

Arjuna nodded in agreement. "We might have just made things more complicated for ourselves."

Nakula and Sahadeva, observing the situation with amusement, shared a knowing look. "Let's hope they don't decide to add to their team," Sahadeva remarked quietly.

Meanwhile, Draupadi and Devika chuckled softly, enjoying the reactions of their husbands. They knew that despite the mischief, their bonds of love and family would only grow stronger with these new alliances.

As the day continued in Yadav, filled with laughter and banter, the Pandavas couldn't help but appreciate the unique unity and spirit that Draupadi and her cousins brought to their lives. They were a family bound by love, loyalty, and occasional playful mischief, forging ahead together in the kingdom they cherished.

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