**Chapter 78: Healing and Whispered Words**

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In the quiet of their private chambers, the tension of the earlier confrontation began to ease. Draupadi, her heart still heavy with the weight of the day’s events, turned her attention to Bhima. She gently guided him to sit, examining the reddened area on his cheek where her slap had landed.

With a soft cloth and soothing balm, she began to treat the mark she had left. Her touch was tender, filled with remorse and care. "I'm sorry, Bhima," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I acted in anger, but it was only because I care so deeply."

Bhima, ever the stoic warrior, smiled gently. "I know, Draupadi. Your love and fire are what bind us together. There's no need to apologize."

As Draupadi tended to Bhima, the other four Pandavas—Yudhisthira, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva—stood a little apart, whispering among themselves. Their expressions were a mixture of concern, admiration, and quiet amusement.

Yudhisthira leaned in, his voice low. "Her strength is truly formidable. We must remember that she protects us with all her heart."

Arjuna nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "And her spirit is unyielding. She will face any threat to our family without hesitation."

Nakula, always perceptive, added, "We must support her as she supports us. Her burdens are heavy, and she needs our strength just as we need hers."

Sahadeva, the youngest and often the quietest, looked at his brothers with determination. "We should be more mindful of how our actions affect her. She carries the weight of our unity."

Their whispered conversation was a testament to their shared respect and love for Draupadi. They understood that her fierce protectiveness was a reflection of the deep bond they all shared.

Once Draupadi finished treating Bhima’s cheek, she looked up at the Pandavas, her eyes softening at the sight of them gathered together. "I love you all," she said, her voice strong and sincere. "And I will always fight to keep us united."

Yudhisthira stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. "And we love you, Draupadi. Together, we are unstoppable."

The others nodded in agreement, their hearts swelling with pride and affection for their fierce and loving wife. In that moment, they reaffirmed their commitment to one another, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their strength and love.

* To be continued…*

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