**Chapter 67: The Justice of Sultana Draupadi**

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In the grand hall of her palace, Sultana Draupadi stood with an air of authority, her eyes blazing with determination. Before her, a man trembled, held firmly by his collar. His face paled as Draupadi's grip tightened, her bangles jingling with every move.

"In my kingdom," Draupadi's voice echoed through the hall, commanding attention from all present, "you misled not one, not two, but five innocent girls!" She emphasized each word, her fury palpable.

The man's eyes darted around, seeking mercy, but found none in Draupadi's unwavering gaze. With a swift motion, she slapped him, the force of it sending a shiver through the room. Her gem-studded rings left a mark on his cheek, and a few gems fell, scattering on the marble floor.

Pandavas, standing at a respectful distance, exchanged concerned glances. They had never seen Draupadi so incensed, yet her strength and resolve were undeniable. Other kings and dignitaries present could only whisper among themselves, awed and slightly fearful of Draupadi's fierce justice.

"A man is born through a woman," Draupadi's voice rang out again, cutting through the murmurs. "He's raised by a woman, and he falls in love with a woman. And yet," she continued with a hint of sarcasm, "I am surprised by the actions of a man like you."

She turned to her council, her decision clear. "Death is the punishment for misleading these girls," she declared, her voice carrying the weight of finality.

The man's fate sealed, Draupadi released him, and he fell to his knees, trembling with fear and regret. He was swiftly escorted away, the sound of his chains echoing in the hall as Draupadi stood, resolute.

As the court dispersed, Pandavas gathered around Draupadi, their faces a mix of admiration and concern. They had witnessed her display of strength before, but today, she had shown a side of her that left them in awe.

"Draupadi," Yudhishthira began cautiously, "your words about the role of women and the accountability of men... They resonate deeply."

Draupadi nodded, her eyes softening as she looked at her husbands. "Injustice cannot be tolerated," she said firmly, but her voice softened. "I fight not just for justice, but for the dignity and respect of every woman in my kingdom."

Her words hung in the air, a testament to her unwavering resolve and her commitment to upholding righteousness. As they left the hall, Pandavas couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of pride in their wife, Sultana Draupadi, whose strength and compassion made her a beacon of hope and justice in their kingdom.

* To be continued...*

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