**Chapter 35: The News of Pregnancy**

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The atmosphere in the royal chambers of Yadav was serene yet charged with anticipation. Sultan Draupadi stood before her husbands, the Pandavas, her hands gently resting on her abdomen. Her expression was a mix of joy, excitement, and a hint of nervousness.

"I am pregnant, my dear husbands," Draupadi announced softly, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears of happiness.

The Pandavas, who had gathered around her with tender concern, looked at Draupadi with a mixture of astonishment and overwhelming joy. Yudhisthira, the eldest among them and always the composed one, was the first to speak.

"Draupadi," he said, his voice filled with warmth and pride, "this news fills my heart with immense happiness. You have brought us a gift that we could only dream of."

Bhima, known for his strength and boisterous nature, let out a hearty laugh and scooped Draupadi into a bear hug. "A child! A son or daughter to carry forward our legacy. What a blessing!"

Arjuna, the skilled archer and strategist, placed a gentle hand on Draupadi's shoulder. "We are truly blessed, Draupadi. Our family will grow stronger with this new life."

Nakula and Sahadeva, the twins known for their wisdom and grace, exchanged glances filled with silent understanding and joy. "This child will be our hope for the future," Nakula murmured softly.

Draupadi smiled at her husbands' reactions, feeling their love and support enveloping her like a warm embrace. "I am grateful for your love and happiness," she said, her voice filled with tenderness. "Together, we will raise our child with love and wisdom."

As the Pandavas surrounded Draupadi in a circle of love and anticipation, the palace walls seemed to echo with their laughter and joy. The news of Draupadi's pregnancy spread throughout Yadav, filling the kingdom with celebration and hope for the future.

*To be continued...*

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