**Chapter 104: Family Bonds**

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Orhan, Fatima Hatun, and Alauddin, the children of the Pandavas and Draupadi, had grown up surrounded by the love and strength of their family in the kingdom of Yadav. At 23 years old, they were vibrant and spirited young adults, each with their own unique talents and personalities.

As the news of Devika, Valandra, and Subhadra's pregnancies spread through the palace, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of emotions. Orhan, the eldest son, known for his calm demeanor and sense of responsibility, approached Draupadi with a concerned look on his face.

"Mother," he began tentatively, "how do you feel about this news? Are you happy?"

Draupadi smiled warmly at her son, her eyes reflecting a mother's pride and love. "Orhan, my dear, every child brings joy into our lives. Your fathers may have their jests and banter, but deep down, they are thrilled about these pregnancies. It's a blessing for our family and our kingdom."

Alauddin, the youngest of the siblings but with a sharp wit and a heart of gold, chimed in, "It'll be quite a change having three little ones running around the palace. I can't wait to be an uncle!"

Fatima Hatun, the spirited and adventurous daughter, nodded eagerly. "Imagine all the stories we'll share with them, Orhan. It'll be like reliving our childhood."

Meanwhile, in another part of the palace, the Pandavas gathered together with mixed feelings about the impending arrivals. Yudhisthira, the eldest among them, spoke first, his voice filled with a blend of pride and concern.

"I never imagined we'd be facing fatherhood again at this stage in our lives," he admitted, glancing at his brothers.

Bheema, ever the jovial and robust, clapped Arjuna on the back. "A new adventure, brother! You'll be a great father, just like you are a great warrior."

Arjuna, usually composed and reflective, smiled faintly. "I can't deny the anticipation, though it's unexpected. These children will bring new light into our lives."

Nakula and Sahadeva exchanged knowing glances. "We've faced many challenges together," Sahadeva said thoughtfully, "and this will be another chapter in our journey as a family."

As they discussed, their thoughts turned to Draupadi, the heart of their family. They knew that despite their initial reservations, her unwavering support and love for their extended family would ensure that these new arrivals were welcomed with open arms and hearts.

Back in their chambers, Draupadi embraced Orhan, Alauddin, and Fatima Hatun, reassuring them of the joy that awaited them all. Together, they stood united, ready to face the future with love, strength, and the bonds that tied them together as one extraordinary family in the kingdom of Yadav.

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