**Chapter 45: Justice Executed**

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Sultana Draupadi stood tall in the center of the court, her gaze unwavering as she commanded the attention of everyone present. The condemned man knelt before her, his face pale with fear, knowing his fate was sealed.

Draupadi's voice rang out, clear and authoritative, "Bring the girl forward."

The young girl, who had been wronged, stepped forward with a mix of trepidation and resolve. She approached Draupadi, her head held high despite the terror of the moment.

"Hail Sultana Draupadi!" she declared, her voice steady.

Draupadi nodded approvingly, then handed the girl a knife. "Hold this," she instructed. The girl took the knife, her hand trembling slightly but her grip firm.

The Pandavas, standing at a distance, exchanged worried glances and whispered among themselves. Yudhisthira spoke softly, "Draupadi's sense of justice is fierce. She's empowering the girl to reclaim her dignity."

Bhima, ever the protector, clenched his fists. "It's harsh but necessary. This will send a message to all who dare to harm the innocent."

Arjuna, always the strategist, nodded. "She's ensuring that justice is not just served but felt."

Nakula and Sahadeva, wise and compassionate, watched intently. "She's showing the girl that she is not powerless," Nakula murmured.

Draupadi looked into the eyes of the girl and said, "Girls are everything. They are strong, they are resilient, and they have the power to change their own destiny."

Together, they held the knife, and with a swift, decisive motion, they executed the sentence. The man's life ended, and the message was clear: justice was not to be taken lightly in Draupadi's kingdom.

The court was silent, the gravity of the moment weighing heavily on everyone. The Pandavas felt a shiver run through their bodies, witnessing the sheer force of Draupadi's justice. They whispered to each other, a mix of awe and apprehension in their voices.

As the court began to disperse, Draupadi turned to the girl, her expression softening. "You have shown great courage today," she said gently. "Remember that you have the strength to stand up against any injustice."

The girl nodded, tears of relief and empowerment in her eyes. "Thank you, Sultana Draupadi."

Draupadi smiled, placing a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder. "Go now, and live your life with the knowledge that you are strong and capable."

The Pandavas approached Draupadi, their admiration for her evident. Yudhisthira spoke first, his voice filled with respect. "Draupadi, your strength and sense of justice inspire us all."

Bhima added, "You've shown that true power lies in protecting the vulnerable."

Arjuna nodded. "Your actions today will be remembered as a beacon of justice."

Nakula and Sahadeva smiled warmly. "You have made our kingdom proud, Draupadi."

Draupadi looked at her husbands, her heart filled with gratitude. "Thank you," she said quietly. "Together, we will continue to uphold the values that define our kingdom."

As they walked together through the corridors of Yadav Palace, the echoes of Draupadi's justice resonated throughout the kingdom. Her unwavering commitment to justice had solidified her legacy as a ruler who upheld the rights of the oppressed and ensured that justice prevailed for all.

*To be continued...*

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