Chapter 33: The Food Devourers

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On a calm sea, a large ship sailed steadily along its course.

Noir stood at the bow with a map in his hand, excitedly gazing out at the distant sea. "We've arrived!"

Ace and the others rushed to the bow, their faces full of wonder as they gazed upon the uniquely designed floating restaurant.

Although it was called a restaurant, it had the appearance of a huge ship, with fish-shaped figureheads at each end. The ship was quite spacious, obviously able to accommodate many diners.

Ace cheered, "Let's go! Time to disembark and eat!"

The ship docked at Baratie, and Ace eagerly led everyone ashore.

Noir turned to the cool and aloof sharpshooter, Mihar, and asked, "Aren't you coming ashore to eat?"

Mihar shook his head and replied in a deep voice, "Just have the captain bring me something."

Noir shrugged and then caught up with Ace, who ran ahead. The four of them pushed open the door and entered the restaurant.

From the outside, Baratie looked extravagant, but inside it looked like a high-end restaurant.

Clean. That was Noir's first impression upon entering.

Hygiene is a basic requirement for any restaurant, and Baratie certainly met that standard.

Noir, Ace, Deuce and Skull, Mihar found a table and sat down.

Soon a neatly dressed waiter approached with menus in hand and a smile on his face. "What would you like to eat, gentlemen?"

Ace picked up a menu and started to look at it, but when he saw the prices...

The three of them simultaneously turned their eyes to Noir.

Since they had no choice, since their ship had sunk and all their money was gone with it, they relied on Noir, who had become the big spender.

Noticing their eager gazes, Noir generously said, "Order whatever you want! I've got money!"

With the financier's approval, Ace's restraint was unleashed. With a swagger, he tossed the menu aside and said, "One of everything!"

The waiter looked at them as if they were crazy.

But his tone quickly turned cold as he said, "I'm sorry, but even though we are a restaurant, we don't welcome such waste."

Noir was also taken aback and asked, "Can you really eat all that?"

For the first time, Ace showed an emperor-like aura, and even Deuce and Skull adopted a masterful demeanor.

When it came to eating, Ace's expression changed from his usual nonchalance to one of seriousness.

The change in their demeanor was as dramatic as a certain bald teacher going into serious mode.

With one hand on his chin and a sharp stare, Deuce said, "Noir, you got to understand, when it comes to food, we are unbeatable!"

Ace slapped the table and confidently told the waiter, "Don't worry, we'll eat everything, not a crumb left.

With this assurance, the waiter, despite his disbelief, had no choice but to comply.

Soon a sumptuous feast was brought out by the waiters and quickly filled the table.

What followed left everyone in the restaurant gasping in amazement.

Ace and the others devoured the food like starved ghosts, not even bothering with utensils, just shoveling the food directly into their mouths along with the plates...

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