Chapter 80: A Clash with Aokiji

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Noir instantly recognized that distinctive appearance. It was Admiral Aokiji, real name Kuzan. But why was he in the Calm Belt?

Noir glanced at Robin, and sure enough, her face had turned pale. She had obviously noticed Kuzan as well.

Could it be that he's specifically here to deal with Robin?

"Conis, take care of Robin."

"Wyper, the Sea Kings are yours!"

Stepping on the head of one of the Sea Kings, Noir charged towards the Marine fleet, leaving Wyper to face the massive creatures alone, their giant eyes locked on each other.

Wyper equipped his Impact Dials on both hands, planted his feet on Cloud Dials, and engaged in combat with the kings of the sea.

Meanwhile, down in the hold of the ship, Enel sensed the intense battle aura on board through his Mantra. Was Wyper fighting?

A cold smile curved on Enel's lips as he crossed his legs. He hoped those guys would get ambushed, better yet, get wiped out. Then he'd have a chance to escape.

Noir used Fish-Man Karate's water-based techniques to move rapidly, quickly closing in on the Marine. Surfing up from below the warship, he leaped effortlessly onto the deck, landing right in front of the startled marines.

The sudden appearance of an intruder shocked the marines, who quickly raised their guns, ready to shoot at the first sign of hostile action.

The nearby warships also aimed their cannons, ready to fire at Noir.

Ignoring the threats from these small fry, Noir grinned as he greeted the tall figure, "You must be Admiral Aokiji, right? Nice to meet you."

Kuzan, donning a pale green eye mask and draped in his Justice cloak, towered over Noir, who had to tilt his head up to meet his gaze.

But Kuzan remained motionless for a long time, until a Marine officer next to him nudged him, saying, "Admiral Aokiji! The Criminal Noir has boarded our ship!"


Kuzan mumbled something unintelligible, lowered his eye mask, and sleepily said, "Nani? Have we returned to HQ?"

The officer's forehead twitched in frustration, and he quickly replied, "Stop sleeping, Admiral! Look, it's Noir!"

Kuzan finally lowered his head, his lazy eyes sizing up the handsome young man before him. "Ah... So, you're Noir."

Noir's lips twitched. Sleeping while standing? What a skill.

"You Killed a king of a World Government member nation... Why'd you do that?"

Aokiji's tone was calm, as if he were chatting with an old friend.

Noir shrugged and casually replied, "A foolish pest. I killed him, so what?"

Kuzan nodded. Surprisingly, he didn't react to Noir's brazen words, even agreeing, "Wapol, huh? Yeah, I know him. Just a gluttonous fool. Doesn't really matter if he's dead."

Then Kuzan abruptly shifted the conversation, continuing, "But you've undermined the authority of the World Government. As a marine, I have to arrest you."

Noir shook his head and smiled, "The Marine really is the World Government's loyal lapdog."

With his hand gripping the hilt of his sword, ready to draw at any moment, Noir asked, "So, are you going to make a move?"

Just as Noir, eager to test his strength against an Admiral, prepared himself for battle, he was taken aback when Kuzan suddenly lay down.

Resting his head on his arm, Kuzan yawned and said, "Nah, I'm not interested in fighting you."

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