Eighty Three

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When Ronan came home from his meetings in London he seemed different. When I asked him how it had all gone he barely answered. So when I nervously told him I was pregnant, the look of immense joy on his face was a bit of a shock.

He caught the look on my face and came and put his arms around me. "You are ok aren't you Vic"?

"Are you happy?"

"Of course I am Ro. I thought...I wasn't sure how you'd react"

"Oh Vic, I'm sorry" he hugged me closer to him and kissed me softly. "It's just the meetings didn't quite go to plan...I'm gonna need to go back. But now..."

"Ro don't be daft" I smiled. "I only did the test two days ago". "I didn't tell you on the phone because I wanted it to be a surprise"

"I know how much this means to you. You need to get it sorted babe"

"I know that they'll come 'round eventually"

Ronan didn't look convinced. "They will," I said. "Anyway where's our lovely daughter"

"Sleeping" I laughed. "I think she takes after you" I added cheekily.

"Hey.." he laughed then suddenly grabbed me without warning and started tickling me.

"Oh no. Ro..." I gasped. He grinned and let me go and we went and curled up on the sofa together. We were about halfway through watching a film, Ronan's arm around me, when without warning he started tickling me again. I somehow ended up underneath him, "Ro, stop please" he grinned at me. 

He brought his face down to mine and kissed me hungrily. I gasped, surprised by the intensity, and then kissed him back harder. He broke away and stared at me, desire in his eyes, "Now I've got you where I want you?"


We got up late the following day, Ro getting up early to bring Jessica in with us. Neither of us had any work commitments so we made the most of being together. We had a pretty lazy day until mid afternoon when Ro said that Mick was coming over to discuss something with him. I presumed it was to do with the album or the record company so I said it was fine. 

Guessed I should have told Ro about the call though...

"Ro" I bit my lip nervously, trying to find the right words. "yes babe"


"I got a call the other day. The woman, she sounded familiar...she..."

"Vic are you ok?" Ronan was suddenly right at my side, sitting me down on the sofa and putting his arm around me.

"I'm fine. I don't know...."

"Oh Vic, why didn't you tell me last night?"

"I don't know, I didn't want to worry you I guess. I don't think..."

"Do you want me to try and trace it? I can get the Gardai on it"

I shook my head. "I don't want a fuss Ro. I somehow get the feeling she won't call if you're here"

He nodded grimly. "ok. Well if you change your mind let me know ok?"


About half an hour later I answered the door to Mick. Ro was in the nursery with Jess, so I told Mick to go on into the studio and make himself comfortable.

"Thanks Vic"

"Oh and congratulations. Ro told me the good news"

I stared at him. "Hey?"

How the hell did he know already? I'd only told Ronan last night!

"Sorry if I wasn't meant to say, it's just he was so excited when he called me this morning, I don't think he could help it"

I smiled in spite of myself. "Wait Ro called you?"

Mick nodded "yeah?"

"Oh ok cool" I said, not wanting to alarm Mick. But I was sure Ro had said it had been Mick that had instigated the meeting...

"I'll go and get Ro for you" I said and left Mick staring at me, probably thinking I'd lost the plot.

Life Is A Rollercoaster (Ronan Keating / Boyzone / X Factor) fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now