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We arrived a short while later at Quay street car park in Cardiff Bay, Ronan parked the car and paid for a ticket, ignoring my protests to let me pay for the parking. 

We started walking away from the Bay, towards St. Mary's street. Ronan put his arm around me and I shivered at his touch.


"No I'm fine thanks"

It's just the way you make me feel.

We walked for a little while longer before I realised that we'd changed direction and were heading the wrong way. I was about to ask Ronan where we going, when I realised we were outside La Fosse, one of the most expensive restaurants in Cardiff. I looked at Ronan puzzled. "I hope you don't mind? I thought you might be hungry?"

"I thought I'd better buy you dinner before we get started on those drinks...." "I know what you welsh are like" he added.

"Oi!" I said laughing, "says a true Irishman!"

"Ah well I just wanted to bring you here, thought it'd be nice to have something to eat"

"Thanks Ronan, Ro sorry, I really appreciate it" 

"In fact I'm starving!"

"Then why are we stood outside?" he laughed and took my arm, I winced as he touched it, he noticed and looked down at my arm. "Jeez Vic that's one hell of a bruise, what the hell have you been doing?"

"Oh I'm really clumsy, I walked in to the wall last night" I mumbled.

"You okay?"

"I'll live"

"Glad to hear it!"

We walked down the steps into the restaurant, Ronan smiled at the head waiter who obviously recognised him but didn't let on. "Hi, I've a reservation under the name of Mr. Jones" he said. 

I burst out laughing at this. The waiter showed us to our table where we seated, by the time he left, I was still laughing quietly.

"What?" asked Ronan innocently.

"Mr. Jones? There's about a million Mr Jones' in Wales"

"Yeah I though it'd make it harder for anyone to find me" he said with a grin.

"I booked my first name under Kelly"

"You didn't?" 

"They must have thought their favourite customer was having a bad day phoning up with an Irish accent" I laughed.

"Yeah and I think yer man on the door there was surprised when the Stereophonics didn't walk in"

We both laughed at this.

"So Miss. Sayer what can I get you this evening?"

"Mmmm" I thought as I studied the menu for a moment. "Hey! how do you know my surname?"

"Brian mentioned it yesterday, and I overheard you talking to some guy just after I saw you yesterday, I think he was the same guy that was in the green room?"

"Dan?" I said hesitantly.

"Yes I think so. He seemed a bit authoritative?"

"Yes he can be sometimes"

"Is he your boss?"

"No he's the venue manager, nothing to do with me" I lied.

"Good 'cause he was having a right go and some poor person in the corridor last night, I couldn't make out a word he was saying, but he was screaming at them" "I hate aggressive men" he said as he pulled a face.

I felt the colour drain from my face and flashed him a false smile that I'm sure he could see right through. "Are you sure you're okay Vic?"

"I'm fine"

Life Is A Rollercoaster (Ronan Keating / Boyzone / X Factor) fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now