Tournament III

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All the students left the Quidditch pitch, animatedly discussing the duels they had witnessed and debating the matchups set for the following day.

Luna: Sasuke, what do you think about training with the others for tomorrow?

The other students watched him, eager for his response.

Sasuke: I don't think it's wise. It's better to conserve your energy for tomorrow so you can give it your all.

Astoria: Then, can you give us some advice on strategy?

Sasuke: I can't. I need to be somewhere else.

Daphne: Where?

Zacharias silently mused, convinced it had something to do with a girl.

Sasuke: Ministry business.

Sasuke quickly headed back toward the castle.

Ginny: Do you think they have any leads on He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?

Everyone turned to Ginny at her question.

Draco: I don't know. It could be something related to Grindelwald.

Astoria: That might be it.

Ginny: Grindelwald?

Draco: The first Dark Lord, who was defeated by Dumbledore.

Luna: What happened to him?

Daphne: He died.

Ginny: But the Prophet didn't mention anything about that.

Draco: The Prophet doesn't cover much international news, so they might not know yet.

Daphne: Unless it's been censored.

Ginny: How do you know?

Draco: My mother's in France. The news caused a stir there, so she sent me a copy of their paper.


Professor McGonagall had just arrived at her office, only to find Sasuke already there.

McGonagall: Mr. Uchiha, what brings you here?

Sasuke: I need to use your fireplace.

McGonagall: By all means.

Sasuke stood up, grabbed some Floo powder, and stepped into the hearth.

Sasuke: Ministry of Magic.

Green flames rose up, engulfing him as he disappeared.


Sasuke arrived at the Ministry of Magic and swiftly made his way to the Minister's office. Upon entering, he found Amelia Bones, Jhon Major (the Muggle Prime Minister), and Rufus Scrimgeour.

Amelia: Good evening, Mr. Uchiha.

Sasuke: Good evening.

Jhon Major: It's good to see you, Mr. Uchiha.

Sasuke: Likewise. Let's talk about the progress.

Rufus: As I've mentioned in my reports, we've ruled out most forests and rural areas. The only place left is Bernwood Forest.

Sasuke: By process of elimination, they must be there.

Amelia: Mr. Uchiha, don't you think they could be hiding in Muggle cities?

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter - Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora