Second Chances

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Hi There- Thanks for sticking with the story, especially as it doesn't have Sang or the boys, yet. I am really wondering how people are enjoying the story so far, so please tell what you like... and even what you don't like... I can handle it... probably. No, definitely. I can definitely probably handle it. - - Thank you.

James parked the car toward the back of the lot and was around to my side and opening my door before I could gather my thoughts. 

"Thanks," I said, when he opened the door.

"You're welcome, Lyric," he said quietly, thoughtfully, but not making eye contact. 

I sighed and hitched my backpack farther onto my back before following him into the building.

"I'll find you after school," he said when we got to the doors.

"What?" I asked gracelessly.

James smiled, a ghost of a smile that transformed his face from gorgeous to godlike. 

"I'll find you after school and I'll give you a ride," he told me. He continued to smile but his tone was firm, unyielding.

"I have to go to the laundromat after school," I said, wishing so much that I could accept his ride like any other normal girl would. "And then I have to babysit."

"I'll bring you," he said. "I'll do homework while you do your wash."

"That sounds really boring for you," I replied.

James shook his head, "No," he answered. "I don't think it will be. I'll see you around Lyric Sorenson."

I gave him a tiny finger wave and made my way to the locker room. Actually, I floated to the locker room. Somehow, James had forgiven me. And he would see me after school. Almost like a friend would. He'd thrown it out so casually: "I'll find you after school and give you a ride." 

The voice in my head deepened as I replayed it over and over.

The locker room was empty at this hour, and I had a routine that I had perfected over the last two months that would get me in and out of the shower in less than five minutes. Our school had separate showers for girls, instead of the one big shower room like they'd had at some of my old schools.Each stall had a changing room in the front of each shower. 

I had learned from experience to stow my bag in my gym locker, and take only what I absolutely needed into the changing room. If I took more, someone could swipe it. I stripped quickly and before the water warmed up, jumped in, dumping the bodywash on top of my head and doing a sort of gravity-fed cleaning. Scrub hair, scrub face, scrub hands, scrub body, water off. 

I jumped out, shivering, and put my clothes back on. I flipped my head over, twisting my hair so the excess water wouldn't soak my sweatshirt and held it there while I got my bag out of my locker and went to the mirror that had a shelf in front of it. I rested my bag there and stared at my reflection. Despite the cold shower, my cheeks were flushed with a hectic color. My stomach felt nervous and jumbly, but different than the anxiety I usually felt. I tried to nail it down. I think... I think it was excitement. 

I looked down at my bag, opening up a front pocket and digging for an elastic. I wrapped my hair around and around in a high bun on top of my head and then caught a look at my face. I had a half smile and I was biting my lip.

I took a deep breath. Focus, Lyric, focus. It's just a ride

My mental voice deepened again; I'll see you around Lyric Sorenson.

I shifted my bag onto my back. Okay, I thought, I can do this.

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now