Sang's Point of View- 6 Years Old

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I was sleeping over with a friend. I did it only once a year, around my birthday. Mommy said it was my birthday present.

Grace's house was the best so far. They let me eat with them, and pick some shows to watch. They didn't know it was my birthday. Mommy didn't tell them, but that was okay, because the whole day felt special.

Grace's house was clean and no one yelled. They lived in a condo, so that meant lots of people lived nearby. They had neighbors next door and across the hall, and there were kids to play with.

Grace gave me her old fancy silver make-up kit. She didn't even know it was my birthday and she gave me a present! It had a mirror, and a brush, and lip-gloss, and eyeshadow and it came in a pretty carrying case. She even gave me a clip that she showed me how to use. I could almost put my hair up in it, and that was nice because Mommy didn't do my hair and that meant it was always in my face.

I wanted to bring the clip home, but I had to find a place to hide the rest of the kit. If Mommy saw it she'd throw it away. She didn't like me to have stuff like this. I also didn't want to share it with Marie. Marie would just take it.

Mommy would let her.

Grace had a bed that pulled out from underneath her bed. It was so neat, and so comfy. Her mom made us turn out the lights, but she said we can still talk.

But as soon as the lights went out, I got really nervous. Grace didn't say anything, and I couldn't think of anything to say. So I just stared up at the ceiling. I listened to her mom and dad talk and laugh. I got all snuggled down warm under the covers, and I wished that this was my life. 

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